Covid-19 Cepiva


10. feb 2008
Cepiva ostajajo! Naročajo se mimo EU vrste!
Ker je bil predujem tako veliko, bo ta nedostava dvignila ceno za prejete za 300% ali pa jih bomo dobivali - predplačilo - še do leta 2030.


2. mar 2010
New Analysis: Pfizer Vaccine Killed ‘About 40 Times More Elderly Than the Disease Itself Would Have Killed’
A re-analysis of data from the Israeli Health Ministry concluded Pfizer’s COVID vaccine killed “about 40 times more (elderly) people than the disease itself would have killed” during a recent five-week vaccination period, and 260 times more younger people than would have died from the virus.
  • Haha
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2. mar 2010
Pfizer/BioNTech cepivo

This is Hearing No. 37
of the German Corona Extra-Parliamentary Inquiry Committee with \ Dr. Vanessa Schmidt-Krueger, beginning at minute 3.56.38 of the hearing to the end.\ The transcript was first produced in German and then translated (by Gilian Crowther, member of the BDÜ, the Federal Association of Interpreters and Translators)

Če bo kdo pogledal/prebral, kaj je notri:

Proizvodnja male količine vs masovna proizvodnja, čistost rna,
koliko doz, število doz - oboje je brez študij

stranski efekti od 52.57
cationic lipid

Dr. H: Exactly, and intentionally one has to say as a lawyer, in July 2020 EU legislation was changed: EU legislation on GMOs was declared inapplicable to the vaccines. That’s when this monstrosity began, from a legal perspective. We will be addressing this with a plea for annulment. This is opening up a horrendous abyss – unbelievable.

1.28.42 testi na podganah

1.34.30 kdor ima težave z jetri, pozor.
I’m loathe to use the word poisons, but the liver is trying to sequester away the substance that is damaging to it; it doesn’t manage, and the the cationic lipids are the perpetrator, BioNTech admits that themselves, that’s in the report, it’s the cationic lipids.
The liver tries to eliminate these cationic lipids, to metabolise them, but doesn’t manage because there are too many of them..... They self-destruct, commit apoptosis. So that’s what happens in the liver.

1.40.44 ostale možne posledice
VSK: That’s not the whole story.

VSK: I am extremely critical of the EMA Committee: there is no discussion at all about the consequences that can arise from side effects...
They knew of all the observations on the rats … and we have no data at all on how this is with human beings. They could have generated that. We have a right to know.

VSK: This mechanism crosses the blood-brain barrier due to the ApoE -mediated transport. So the LNPs can cause damage in the brain. 6.11.37 Damage the astrocytes. Extreme oxidative stress. Can lead to inflammation, swelling. Can have an impact on nerves. Facial palsy (Bell’s palsy) – either the nerve is inflamed or the adjacent tissue, the swelling presses against the bone that the nerve passes through, and this impairs the nerve.

RF: How long does one need to hold one’s breath when one has been vaccinated. A lifetime, or does there come a time when you can relax again?

VSK: It depends on which damage you are observing. The lipids are there for 4 - 5 months. Damage can arise for as long as the lipids are there

VSK: No genotoxicity studies done yet. They say they don’t need to because “no genotoxic potential is to be expected”. But it has been known for 20 years that cationic lipids are highly toxic. What universe do they live in!


4. sep 2008
Dobrova pri LJ.
New Analysis: Pfizer Vaccine Killed ‘About 40 Times More Elderly Than the Disease Itself Would Have Killed’
A re-analysis of data from the Israeli Health Ministry concluded Pfizer’s COVID vaccine killed “about 40 times more (elderly) people than the disease itself would have killed” during a recent five-week vaccination period, and 260 times more younger people than would have died from the virus.
Znanec ki dela v DSO pravi da je tole bullshit


10. feb 2008
Torej, plan cepljenja postajapodrobnjši.
Tu je nekdo obveščal o 'prostih' cepilnih mestih. Se da kje dobiti število zavrnenih cepitev?


13. sep 2007
Po smrtnem primeru 49-letnice in hudem obolenju 35-letnice, kar se je zgodilo po cepljenju s cepivom AstraZenece, so avstrijske oblasti začasno ustavile cepljenje z eno serijo tega cepiva.


16. avg 2007
Saj vem da brezveze tebi to razlagat. Ampak ne bluzi če nimaš pojma o cepivih.