Covid-19 Cepiva


13. sep 2007
Btw, slovenake TV hise, napis pod logotom: CEPIMO SE.
Hrvaske tc hise, napis pod logotom: BODIMO ODGOVORNI

Se hrvati imajo boljsi pristop kot nasi faliranci?
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13. sep 2007
To ne, valda. Ampak ni cudno da ima potem splosna javnost odpor. Na vsakem koraku siljenje s cepivom.

ps, na to me je opozoril oče, jaz ne gledam tv, se manj pa hrvate :)


6. dec 2011
Se hrvati imajo boljsi pristop kot nasi faliranci?

Hrvati, Danci, Angleži in še kdo ki ukrepe sprošča namesto zaostruje: države z lastno valuto. Ostali: evro.



13. avg 2007
na temni strani lune
Hrvati, Danci, Angleži in še kdo ki ukrepe sprošča namesto zaostruje: države z lastno valuto. Ostali: evro.

Točno to sem omenjal v tej ali sosednji temi. Poglejmo in preglejmo ukrepe držav z lastno valuto ter jih primerjajmo z € območjem.

Je hitro viden zanimiv trend.
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1. sep 2007
Za TV si nič ne odžiramo čas Alter foruma. Imam tablico zraven ko gledam TV, in sem na forumu med reklamami. :cool:


6. sep 2007
[prc mode on]
Ha, zanimiva definicija antivaxxerjev. In če govedo ne bi bilo govedo, bi se pa potem morda lahko uporabljalo vse (bolj) v skladu z logiko? :fredi:
[prc mode off]



13. sep 2007
Opazka je seveda na nacin, kako zeli “stroka” precepit prebivalce.
Kar horuk, v sotorih, kar sredi ulice, so jih. Brez predhodnega preverjanja anamneze, opozarjanja…
Tako kot se cepi govedo ali piscance, z namenom pac cepit vse, ce koga pobere od tega, ga pac pobere.
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Reactions: javr in jendomen


24. feb 2010
Opazka je seveda na nacin, kako zeli “stroka” precepit prebivalce.
Kar horuk, v sotorih, kar sredi ulice, so jih. Brez predhodnega preverjanja anamneze, opozarjanja…
Tako kot se cepi govedo ali piscance, z namenom pac cepit vse, ce koga pobere od tega, ga pac pobere.
Zakaj bi bil pa ti več vreden, kot govedo ali pšanc? :evil:
  • Haha
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2. mar 2010
Update glede
Instead of FDA’s Requested 500 Pages Per Month, Court Orders FDA to Produce Pfizer Covid-19 Data at Rate of 55,000 Pages Per Month!

Zavlačenje se je začelo
The FDA “has now asked the Court to make the public wait until May for it to start producing 55,000 pages per month and, even then, claims it may not be able to meet this rate,” Siri writes.

FDA Asks the Court to Delay First 55,000 Page Production Until May and Pfizer Moves to Intervene in the Lawsuit
As the FDA tries to obtain months of delay, guess who just showed upon in the lawsuit? Yep, Pfizer. And it is represented by a global chair and team from a law firm with thousands of lawyers. Pfizer’s legal bill will likely be multiple times what it would cost the FDA to simply hire a private document review company to review, redact, and produce the documents at issue. Within weeks, if not days.

Pfizer is coming in as a third party. But Pfizer assures the Court it is here to help expedite production of the documents. Sure it is! Where was Pfizer before the Court ordered the 55,000 pages per month? Right, doing what it normally does: letting the government work on its behalf – like the way the government mandates, promotes, and defends Pfizer’s product.

V copy/paste času bi morali ta pdf postali v 1 minuti...

nekaj drobnega tiska o Pfizer cepivu
From the Australian Nonclinical Evaluation Report and the biodistribution study:

“Parturition: One ~ in the BNT162b3 group was euthanised on LDl showing hunched posture, pale, marked piloerection, bleeding at the vulva, distended/purple abdomen. One ~ each in the BNT162bl and BNT162b3 groups were euthanised due to all stillborn pups or total litter death. No macroscopic findings were noted in maternal necropsy.”

Fetal malformations/variations were found in the pups of dams in the treatment groups.

Also of concern:


No genotoxicity studies were conducted for the vaccine


Carcinogenicity studies were not conducted.

2-[(Polyethylene glycol)-2000]-N,N-ditetradecylacetamide (ALC-0159) and ((4-

hydroxybutyl)azanediyl) bis(hexane-6,1-diyl)bis(2-hexyldecanoate) (ALC-0315) are novel excipients

and are not listed on the TGA' s ingredient database.

ALC-0315 (the ester formulation) was minimally metabolized and only 1% was excreted

ALC-0159 (the amide formulation) was more completely metabolized and only 50% was excreted

These novel LNP have very long elimination half-lives, especially ALC-0315 (the ester formulation), which is extremely concerning.

These data prove that the LNP are distributed systemically, not broken down efficiently, and stay in the body for a long period of time. Not only that, but the spike (S) protein expression can occur anywhere in the body, reaches high levels of expression, and may be of long duration (possibly mimicking the length of time antibody titers remain elevated.)

The biodistribution study is also very alarming because it shows that these LNPs accumulate not only at the injection site but also immediately to the liver, spleen, kidneys, and lymph nodes with rising concentrations (at 48 hours, the longest timepoint measured) in the ovaries, bone marrow, thyroid gland, pituitary gland, heart, and lungs. I have not had time to curve fit and mathematically extrapolate the tissue concentrations to further timepoints.

I think that fact was in the Pfizer study materials given to FDA:


P. 72 - no pharmacokinetics, no pharmacodynamics, no genetics, no bio markers

Japan bio distribution study Byram Bridle got in Spring 2021 included some of those:
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Osebje foruma
18. sep 2007
Are Moderna and Pfizer the Next Enrons? Former Blackrock & Hedge Fund Guru Edward Dowd Paints Grim Picture for Big Pharma’s Vax Kings — While Big Insurance Appears Prepped to Go To War With Big Pharma Over Death Payouts



2. mar 2010

Evo 4. Odmerek se že pripravlja.
Komaj čakam na pik pik.

V navezi z

This is nuts, Moderna & Pfizer intentionally lost the clinical trial control group testing vaccine efficacy and safety

“Dr. Carlos Fierro, who runs the study there, says every participant was called back after the Food and Drug Administration authorized the vaccine.

“During that visit we discussed the options, which included staying in the study without the vaccine,” he says, “and amazingly there were people — a couple of people — who chose that.”

He suspects those individuals got spooked by rumors about the vaccine. But everybody else who had the placebo shot went ahead and got the actual vaccine. So now Fierro has essentially no comparison group left for the ongoing study. “It’s a loss from a scientific standpoint, but given the circumstances I think it’s the right thing to do,” he says.

People signing up for these studies were not promised special treatment, but once the FDA authorized the vaccines, their developers decided to offer the shots.

Just so we are clear, the final FDA authorization and approval for the vaccines are based on the outcome of these trials. As noted in the example above, the control group was intentionally lost under the auspices of “the right thing to do”, so there is no way for the efficacy, effectiveness or safety of the vaccine itself to be measured.

Se bo tovrstna praksa ponovila ?

The Powerful Pfizer Presentation That Got Dr. Robert Malone Kicked Off Twitter
Pfizer's own vaccine trial data shows an INCREASED risk of illness and death for the vaccinated.


The Pfizer Inoculations Do More Harm Than Good​

Pfizer's own 6 month report data on its COVID-19 inoculation shows that greater illness and death in the inoculation arm than the placebo arm. Plus, poor trial design, missing data, underpowered studies, passive surveillance and more. For the PDF of this presentation visit: https://www.canadiancovidcareallian...noculations-for-covid-19-more-harm-than-good/

pdf, kaj vse je bilo narobe v študiji

#14, trial demographic
+65-74 let, 17,6%
+75 let, 4,4%

+16-64, 77,8%
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Reactions: darjan
19. jul 2007
Just so we are clear, the final FDA authorization and approval for the vaccines are based on the outcome of these trials. As noted in the example above, the control group was intentionally lost under the auspices of “the right thing to do”, so there is no way for the efficacy, effectiveness or safety of the vaccine itself to be measured.

Se bo tovrstna praksa ponovila ?

A lahko nehaš srat s tem sranjem? To je bil zelo vljuden opis tvojega početja.

Edino kar lahko iz tega tvojega izvajanja ugotvimo, je da nimaš pojma od pojma (kar s tem sicer ni nič narobe samo po sebi, problem je da to tvoje neznanje serješ naokoli).

Da ne boš rekel da gre za osebni napad, lahko gremo vsebinkso in za začetek lahko publiki Alterja razložiš, kako se je z "unblinding" izgubila možnost, da bi lahko ugotovili efficacy, effectiveness cepiv. Hvala za utemeljen odgovor.