Sem siguren, da dosti bolje, kot ti. Eni imate pač dve leve roke. Sej si niste sami krivi.Seveda, nabijaček bi prvi v vrsti ventilatorje obvladal.
Sem siguren, da dosti bolje, kot ti. Eni imate pač dve leve roke. Sej si niste sami krivi.Seveda, nabijaček bi prvi v vrsti ventilatorje obvladal.
zopet žališ, za brezveze. ker alter yt dohtarji še zase ne znajo poskrbet kaj šele za druge.Sem siguren, da dosti bolje, kot ti. Eni imate pač dve leve roke. Sej si niste sami krivi.
Ampak, ti pa absolutno vedno.Ob vsej svoji silni pameti, zadnje cajte večkrat izpadeš običen bedak
Si šolski primer, kako je v drugi skupini.
Leta 2009 ne izjavila da bo v.desetih letih umrlo 5 miljard ljudi.intervju z novinarko Jane Burgermaister iz leta2009.
Postane zanimivo ko pogledaš na Wiki kdo je ta oseba da bi zvedel kaj več: na Wiki je ni. Sta npr. Hitler in Osama bin Laden, te novinarke pa ni.
The use of mRNA vaccines in pregnancy is now generally considered safe for protection against COVID-19 in countries such as New Zealand, USA, and Australia. However, the influential CDC sponsored article by Shimabukuro et al. (2021) used to support this idea, on closer inspection, provides little assurance, particularly for those exposed in early pregnancy. The study presents falsely reassuring statistics related to the risk of spontaneous abortion in early pregnancy, since the majority of women in the calculation were exposed to the mRNA product after the outcome period was defined (20 weeks’ gestation). In this article, we draw attention to these errors and recalculate the risk of this outcome based on the cohort that was exposed to the vaccine before 20 weeks’ gestation. Our re-analysis indicates a cumulative incidence of spontaneous abortion 7 to 8 times higher than the original authors’ results (p < 0.001) and the typical average for pregnancy loss during this time period. In light of these findings, key policy decisions have been made using unreliable and questionable data. We conclude that the claims made using these data on the safety of exposure of women in early pregnancy to mRNA-based vaccines to prevent COVID-19 are unwarranted and recommend that those policy decisions be revisited.
Hospitals and emergency rooms in Australia, Sweden, and the US are reporting thousands of seriously ill patients with blood clots and respiratory issues than before the pandemic, but many don’t have Covid
Hospitals and emergency rooms in Australia, Sweden, and the US are reporting thousands of seriously ill patients with blood clots and respiratory issues than before the pandemic, but many don’t have Covid - Tech Startups
Something really strange is beginning to happen around the world starting with the United States, Australia, and just recently, Sweden. On October 26, National Public Radio (NPR) News wrote a piece titled, "ERs are now swamped with seriously ill patients — but many don't even have COVID." But
ZeroHedge - On a long enough timeline, the survival rate for everyone drops to
"Really strange" haha.