In kar nekdo napiše v ime videa na YouTube je zagotovo čista resnica. Že zaradi "jihadi pigs" moraš tak video vzeti z rezervo.Citat:
Uporabnik MiHa88 pravi:
Evo vam dokaz kok so reveži
Naš rk verjetno že nov znak dela, v obliki knjige al nevem kaj da bo rjuhar vzel njihov paket... Ma...rš![]()
Debunking: we spoke to the guy who shot the video purportedly showing migrants refusing Red Cross aid
The refugees – says Petrovic in his email – had spent three days in the no man’s land between Macedonia and Greece. At the time the video was shot it was raining and the refugees had spent almost two hours under the pouring rain. Macedonian police wouldn’t let them cross the border. Then the Red Cross arrived to distribute aids for the refugees in the form of food and water. The refugees were angry because they weren’t allowed to cross the border into Macedonia, so they refused aid shouting “No! No!”. Macedonian policed only allowed one group of 200/300 refugees to cross the border every two hours, as such is the capacity of the train that connects Gevgelija to the Serbian border on which they were boarded.