Vojna v Ukrajini

Tema ni odprta za nadaljno razpravo.


13. sep 2007
Torej le niso zadeli nakupovalnega centra...
Niso ga ciljali, zadeli pa.

CCTV footage has emerged that gives more context to what happened yesterday when a Russian missile hit a shopping centre in Kremenchuk, killing at least 18 people.

The footage was filmed in Misʹky Park. Initially, smoke can be seen rising in the background. It is coming from the direction of the shopping centre, which appears to be hit.

There is then an explosion, reflected in the water, which appears to be caused by a second missile. People take cover and one man jumps into the lake as debris is thrown through the air.

Sky News has geo-located the second strike location to an industrial site that is in-between the shopping centre and park.

This is around 500 metres away from the shopping centre.


Justin Crump, defence analyst and CEO of Sibylline, told Sky News: "It looks like the Russians have targeted the industrial area, and actually hit them in the strike picked up on the CCTV, but another missile has overshot and hit the shopping mall.

"It's the risk you run if you're hitting a city centre during the day, that there can be a mistake in which people die."

Ampak rusi tu niso imeli “plemenitega” cilja, kot nato v beogradu, in ni opravicila za kolateralno skodo. Rusi so tukaj kot agresor in ne branitelj
  • Haha
Reactions: XXXL


13. sep 2007
Diageo, the world's largest spirits maker, is set to wind down their operations in Russia, it has been reported.

The company, which is the maker of brands such as Guinness and Smirnoff vodka, said operations in Russia would be stopped over the next six months.

Nike and Cisco announced plans to leave last Thursday.

Michelin also plans to hand over its Russian activities to a new entity under local management by the end of the year, becoming the first Western tyre-maker to withdraw from business in Russia.


13. sep 2007

Ta putin ni gladek, kako fejst je zajebala merklova sele zdaj ugotavljamo, mislili pa smo da je nova terezija odresenica?

Izbrisan uporabnik 474

Niso ga ciljali, zadeli pa.

CCTV footage has emerged that gives more context to what happened yesterday when a Russian missile hit a shopping centre in Kremenchuk, killing at least 18 people.

The footage was filmed in Misʹky Park. Initially, smoke can be seen rising in the background. It is coming from the direction of the shopping centre, which appears to be hit.

There is then an explosion, reflected in the water, which appears to be caused by a second missile. People take cover and one man jumps into the lake as debris is thrown through the air.

Sky News has geo-located the second strike location to an industrial site that is in-between the shopping centre and park.

This is around 500 metres away from the shopping centre.


Justin Crump, defence analyst and CEO of Sibylline, told Sky News: "It looks like the Russians have targeted the industrial area, and actually hit them in the strike picked up on the CCTV, but another missile has overshot and hit the shopping mall.

"It's the risk you run if you're hitting a city centre during the day, that there can be a mistake in which people die."

Ampak rusi tu niso imeli “plemenitega” cilja, kot nato v beogradu, in ni opravicila za kolateralno skodo. Rusi so tukaj kot agresor in ne branitelj

Tudi NATO je imel vlogo agresorja pri napadu na Beograd. Pa obračaš kolikor hočeš. In uporaba prepovedanega orožja (kasetne bombe), zadetek porodnišnice, mrtvi civilisti, ti pa rečeš "jebi ga, porodnišnica je bila napoti" pač ni plemenito dejanje.

Glede trgovskega centra - ob vseh kamerah ni niti enega posnetka zadetka centra? Poglej krater, ki je nastal pri drugi raketi. Poišči enak krater v shopping centru... Ni ni... Poleg tega bi naj bil trgovski center zaprt...


24. avg 2007
Glede na to, da pro-ruski Telegram dnevno objavlja zadetka visoko-preciznih raket, bi rekel, da je g. Bell ali napačno informiran ali pa namerno širi napačne informacije po MSM, kar je že znan "modus operandi" UA strani.
Torej kar objavljajo proruski Telegrami je sveta resnica, kar objavlja Ukrajina je pa laž?
In ja, vem da Ukrajina objavlja precej “alternativnih dejstev”. Oz. zamolči, kar jim ne ustreza.

Izbrisan uporabnik 474

Aja točno, posnetek kamere preciznega orožja je deepfake.. Si že 1x omenil ja. Se opravičujem. Deepfake it is.


13. sep 2007
Tudi NATO je imel vlogo agresorja pri napadu na Beograd. Pa obračaš kolikor hočeš. In uporaba prepovedanega orožja (kasetne bombe), zadetek porodnišnice, mrtvi civilisti, ti pa rečeš "jebi ga, porodnišnica je bila napoti" pač ni plemenito dejanje.
Ko imas opravka z zalego, nastradajo nedolzni, ampak ne zaradi tebe ki branis nedolzne pres golaznijo, ampak zaradi golazni ki je to prva zacela.
In tu je krivda rusije in srbije takrat, nato je samo razpucal in preprecil nadaljnjo prelivanje krvi. Rusi pa zdaj nic ne prepucavajo ampak samo pobijajo civiliste, brez “vecje” koristi

Izbrisan uporabnik 474

Vidiš, tvoja mržnja do Rusije in/ali Srbije ti ne pusti vleči normalnih zaključkov. NATO je imel status agresorja. Pika. Konec. Napadel je državo ne-članico, ki je imela notranji konflikt. Da NATO te pravice nima, je presodil tudi UN. Če pa vztrajaš pri tem, da je NATO deloval upravičeno, potem boš pač moral priznati, da je tudi Rusija upravičeno pomagal DPR in LPR. Tudi Rusija je želela samo "razpucati in preprečiti nadaljnje prelivanje krvi." Ker če se takrat leta 2015 nebi vmešala, kot se je, potem vprašanje kako bi danes izgledal vzhod Ukrajine (če bi še sploh bil). Ni bilo daleč od genocida.


13. sep 2007
Potem pa je grdo failala, namrec prelivanju ni bilo konca in po 7 letih je celo sama napadla drugo drzavo.
Koliko civilnih zrtev je povzrocil nato takrat in koliko rusija, do zdaj?
Na koncu bo vec civilnih zrtev zaradi rusov, kot pa ce bi pustili razpucat vzhod ukrajine…
Tema ni odprta za nadaljno razpravo.