Vojna v Ukrajini

Tema ni odprta za nadaljno razpravo.


YUGOslovanski mehanik Dmitri Mendeleev
23. jul 2008
Ne ampak - ponovno - potemtakem ni Rusija nezanesljiv partner. Kvečjemu lahko trdiš obratno - tvoj poslovni partner zaradi moralnih in političnih zadržkov krši pogodbo, čeprav za to ne obstaja "višja sil." Višjo silo bi lahko uveljavljala Rusija, če bi bila v vojni z UA (pa uradno ni), pa kljub vsemu izpolnjuje pogodbene obveznosti.
A sprenevedanje rusov z kobajagi vzdrzevalnimi deli na plinovodu je pa kaj? 1x pipa na 100% drugič na 20%....

Izbrisan uporabnik 474

◾️ The situation in the Nikolaevsko-Krivoy Rog direction
as of 21.00 August 29, 2022

◾️On the night of August 28-29, the Armed Forces of Ukraine inflicted massive fire damage on the reserves and military facilities of the RF Armed Forces in Nova Kakhovka and Berislav.

◾️In the morning, the Armed Forces of Ukraine launched a counteroffensive along the entire front, using the remaining armored reserves in the Nikolaev-Krivoy Rog direction. In some areas, up to a company of the enemy and one and a half dozen armored vehicles advanced.

◾️In total, the offensive was carried out in five sectors.

Aleksandrovsko-Kherson sector - the fighting continues, disruption of the offensive of the Armed Forces of Ukraine in 2 of 3 directions.

◾️The offensive developed in three directions: from Luparevo to Aleksandrovka and from Posad-Pokrovsky to Pravdino and Kherson.

▪️The offensive from the side of Luparevo was repulsed: the Armed Forces of Ukraine withdrew to the starting line after the loss of three tanks.

▪️After an attempted offensive along the Nikolaev-Kherson highway, a temporary occupation and the subsequent loss of Kiselevka, the Armed Forces of Ukraine focused on inflicting fire damage on the positions of the RF Armed Forces in Pravdino. The total number of Ukrainian formations participating in the assault is about a hundred people and about 20 armored vehicles.

◾️The Armed Forces of Ukraine managed to temporarily occupy the village, but then it was again under the control of the RF Armed Forces. The battles for Pravdino are still going on.

▪️Support for the Armed Forces of Ukraine in this sector of the front was provided by Su-25 Grach attack aircraft: in the middle of the day, the Ukrainian Air Force lost them.

Snigirevsky site - disruption of the offensive of the Armed Forces of Ukraine.

▪️The Armed Forces of Ukraine tried to counterattack in the direction of Blagodatny from the side of the Nikolaev-Snigirevka highway and the fortified area in Pervomaisky. After the loss of two infantry fighting vehicles and ten personnel, the Armed Forces of Ukraine retreated.

▪️Over Kiselevka, south of Pervomaisky, a military transport helicopter Mi-8 of the Ukrainian Air Force was shot down: Ukrainian formations tried to work out from machine guns installed inside the Mi-8 on the positions of Russian troops.

Andreevsky site - a successful offensive of the Armed Forces of Ukraine.

▪️The Armed Forces of Ukraine managed to break through the defense of the reservists from the DPR and occupy the settlement of Sukhoi Stavok, located 4 km to the southeast. The Armed Forces of Ukraine managed to transfer up to 20 pieces of equipment to the captured bridgehead, which have already been deployed in the settlement of Sukhoi Stavok.

▪️At the same time, the Armed Forces of Ukraine launched an offensive towards Lozovoye (2 km to the northeast): more than 10 units of armored vehicles were deployed there.

▪️The RF Armed Forces are trying to destroy the equipment of the Armed Forces of Ukraine with aviation and artillery fire. Considering that Sukhoi Stavok is located in the bare steppe, without securing in Lozovoe and transferring a significant part of the reserves to the south, the BTGr that entered the Stavok will become an easy target for artillery.

Davydovo-Brodsky section - disruption of the offensive of the Armed Forces of Ukraine.

▪️The attempt of the Armed Forces of Ukraine to cross to the southern bank of the Ingulets River was thwarted by heavy artillery and aviation fire.

Vysokopolsky section - the continuation of the offensive of the Armed Forces of Ukraine.

▪️By noon, the Armed Forces of Ukraine blocked with fire a group of troops of the Russian Armed Forces stationed near the southern outskirts of Olgino and Vysokopole. In this direction, the enemy deployed more than 10 armored vehicles. The fighting continues to this day.

▪️The Russian Armed Forces continue to destroy the accumulated enemy reserves with artillery return fire, and also unsuccessfully tried to expand the zone of control towards Potemkino.
Ameriški analitik predvideva, da bo zmagovalka. (drumroll).... Amerika :valjamse::valjamse::valjamse::valjamse:

a misliš da utegne rusija s temi njihovimi jajci zmagat? Človek božji če začnososednje države, ter Ukrajina čisitit ruse in ruska mesta kt so se rusi lotili ukrajine, boš mel 9 časovnih pasov na katerih se bo prah nabiral

fact je da zahod zaenkrat še špila fair play, ko bodo zahod začel pucat porodnišnice, bolnišnice, šole itd.... pod izgovorom da se tam pač skrivajo teroristi itd..(povzeto po Rusih in njihovi ideologiji in praksi) boš pa videl ruse, rusijo v vsej njeni veličini


13. sep 2007
Ukrainian forces launched a barrage of rockets at the Russian-occupied town of Nova Kakhova, leaving it without water or power, officials at the Russian-appointed local authority told RIA news agency.

The town sits just to the east of the city of Kherson, the target of a major counter-offensive Ukraine launched earlier today.

Izbrisan uporabnik 474

a misliš da utegne rusija s temi njihovimi jajci zmagat? Človek božji če začnososednje države, ter Ukrajina čisitit ruse in ruska mesta kt so se rusi lotili ukrajine, boš mel 9 časovnih pasov na katerih se bo prah nabiral

fact je da zahod zaenkrat še špila fair play, ko bodo zahod začel pucat porodnišnice, bolnišnice, šole itd.... pod izgovorom da se tam pač skrivajo teroristi itd..(povzeto po Rusih in njihovi ideologiji in praksi) boš pa videl ruse, rusijo v vsej njeni veličini

Če če če če, ko ko ko ko... Poslušamo že od 24.02.2022... Katere bol ice, porodnišnice itd. bo Zahod napadel? A tiste v Ukrajini? Aja, ti predvidevaš da bo Zahod vdaril direkt po Rusiji... Zavoljo ene rupe, imenovana Ukrajina... Malo, že na optićnega ličiš. "Kaj bi bilo, če bi bilo..." by Brothers Grimm
Če če če če, ko ko ko ko... Poslušamo že od 24.02.2022... Katere bol ice, porodnišnice itd. bo Zahod napadel? A tiste v Ukrajini? Aja, ti predvidevaš da bo Zahod vdaril direkt po Rusiji... Zavoljo ene rupe, imenovana Ukrajina... Malo, že na optićnega ličiš. "Kaj bi bilo, če bi bilo..." by Brothers Grimm

zakaj pa ne bi ruknil po Rusiji... e... rusija ima plin, nafto,..precej uporabne zadeve, pa kup sovražnikov zahodnega sveta..cene energentov naraščajo, rusov je pa itak 160 mio..... mi znaš objasniti zakaj tudi zahodn svet ne bi zmogel ene specialne operacije?
  • Všeč mi je
Reactions: Kamele0N
Če če če če, ko ko ko ko... Poslušamo že od 24.02.2022... Katere bol ice, porodnišnice itd. bo Zahod napadel? A tiste v Ukrajini? Aja, ti predvidevaš da bo Zahod vdaril direkt po Rusiji... Zavoljo ene rupe, imenovana Ukrajina... Malo, že na optićnega ličiš. "Kaj bi bilo, če bi bilo..." by Brothers Grimm

recimo v Srbiji je nato eno zlo fino poštimal


10. feb 2008
Chuck Norris dobil covid.... In čakajo.
  • Všeč mi je
Reactions: Clancy


10. feb 2008
Do sedaj sem zasledil samo hrvaške plačance.



13. sep 2007


13. sep 2007
A top adviser to President Zelenskyy has warned that the counter-offensive aimed at pushing Russia back in the south "will not be fast".

"This is a planned slow operation to grind the enemy, saving the lives of our military and civilians.

"Of course, many would like a large-scale offensive with news about the capture by our military of a settlement in an hour. But we don't fight like that. Yes, funds are limited.

"We do not fight for show-offs and high-profile phrases as an enemy. We fight for a cause. And this thing takes time and effort.

"Therefore, be patient. This process will not be very fast, but will end with the installation of the Ukrainian flag over all the settlements of Ukraine."

Izbrisan uporabnik 474

Torej ni to tista slavna ofenziva z milijonsko vojsko... Bolj gverila, partizani... Sicer pa so številke za včerajšnjo proti-ofenzivo dokaj zaskrbljujoče - naj bi padlo več kot 500 AFU vojakov, po nekaterih podatkih celo več kot 800. Ali kot bi rekel naš endvatri : "Skoraj taužnt hoholov je bilo poslanih iz obličja Zemlje!"
Se mi zdi, da so se Rusi kar dobro pripravili na to proti-ofenzivo. Morda pa le nimajo nekih zanič obveščevalnih podatkov in njihovi sateliti so le nekaj več, kot "Lade z sončnimi celicami iz Kitjaske."

Danes zeankrat izgleda vse mirno, Rusija malo straši z letalskimi napadi, tako da je v večini V in J Ukrajine alarm za zračni napad, nekaj eksplozij v Dnipru...


12. jul 2016
Torej ni to tista slavna ofenziva z milijonsko vojsko... Bolj gverila, partizani... Sicer pa so številke za včerajšnjo proti-ofenzivo dokaj zaskrbljujoče - naj bi padlo več kot 500 AFU vojakov, po nekaterih podatkih celo več kot 800. Ali kot bi rekel naš endvatri : "Skoraj taužnt hoholov je bilo poslanih iz obličja Zemlje!"
Se mi zdi, da so se Rusi kar dobro pripravili na to proti-ofenzivo. Morda pa le nimajo nekih zanič obveščevalnih podatkov in njihovi sateliti so le nekaj več, kot "Lade z sončnimi celicami iz Kitjaske."

Danes zeankrat izgleda vse mirno, Rusija malo straši z letalskimi napadi, tako da je v večini V in J Ukrajine alarm za zračni napad, nekaj eksplozij v Dnipru...
Še en super dan za nevtralnega Gargota, kajne. Za kozlat.

Izbrisan uporabnik 474

Še en super dan za nevtralnega Gargota, kajne. Za kozlat.

Misliš včeraj ali danes? Včeraj ni bil super dan, sem upal in pričakoval, da se bodo napovedi uresničile in bo šlo za large-scale ofenzivo, glede na celoten hype zadnjega meseca. Danes je super dan, zaenkrat ni poročil o hujših eksplozijah ali mrtvih. A ni to vredu?

Za kozlat si pa le emperček vzemi, da ne boš ponečedil vse okrog...


13. sep 2007
The US government reportedly believes that Russia is facing a number of problems with drones it bought from Iran.

Speaking to the Associated Press anonymously, a Biden official described "numerous failures".
Tema ni odprta za nadaljno razpravo.