DW-jev mini dokumentarec o mučenju ukrajinskih zapornikov s strani Rusov v Bakhmutu:
Ruski FSB končno zajel zahodnega agenta in širitelja lažnih novic! Čaka ga vsaj 100 let zapora:
Prisoners in Ukraine with combat experience will be released from jail to help defend against Russia
“These are animals, not people”: Zelensky frees convicted child rapists, torturers to reinforce depleted military
Ruski FSB končno zajel zahodnega agenta in širitelja lažnih novic! Čaka ga vsaj 100 let zapora:
Prisoners in Ukraine with combat experience will be released from jail to help defend against Russia
“These are animals, not people”: Zelensky frees convicted child rapists, torturers to reinforce depleted military
“These are animals, not people”: Zelensky frees convicted child rapists, torturers to reinforce depleted military | MR Online
The government of Kiev reacted with obligatory condemnation of the Tornado goons, painting them as a collection of bad apples that did not reflect on the overall character of the Ukrainian military.