ruse nč ne zebe
Inside China: Ukraine gets nuclear umbrella
Ukrainian President Viktor Yanukovych escaped protests in his country last week with a state visit to Beijing, where he received China’s pledge to protect Ukraine under its nuclear
Zdaj mi je malo jasno, zakaj Kitajska hoče da se lepo zmenijo. Če pride do jederske, bo morala pomagati ukrajiniTo bo pa odnose med kitajsko in rusijo krepko pokvarilo.
The deputy commander of the Azov regiment, Lieutenant Colonel Bezgolyuk, was liquidated.
“China pledges unconditionally not to use or threaten to use nuclear weapons against the nuclear-free Ukraine and China further pledges to provide Ukraine nuclear security guarantee when Ukraine encounters an invasion involving nuclear weapons or Ukraine is under threat of a nuclear invasion,” said a joint statement on the pact.zakaj "mora"¿
On September 27, the detachment of US Navy ships led by the amphibious assault ship USS Kearsarge announced the completion of work in the area of the alleged sabotage on gas pipelines. US ships completed their tasks in the Baltic Sea and were spotted heading to the Baltic Straits into the North Sea.
The group of US ships was spotted 30 kilometers from the site of the alleged sabotage on the Nord Stream-1 gas pipeline and 50 kilometers from the threads of the Nord Stream-2 gas pipeline.
The incidents on the pipelines raised a lot of suspicions. Meanwhile, the energy crisis in Europe is gaining momentum, and the situation is expected to worsen as winter approaches.
Russians fleeing partial mobilisation will be able to apply for asylum in the US, the White House has said.
Bo putko še ženske poklical v vojsko![]()
Počak zdj stampedo rusofilčkov...k bodo začeli hvalit Ameriko![]()
fant kaj točno tebi ni jasno? Ukrajina je samstojna neodvisna država in se lahk pridruži natu, EU, marsovcem če čjo...če se vlado zarad tega počuti ogrožen je njegov problem. No, da bi se vprašali zakaj Ukrajina v NATO in ali se morda Ukrajina ni počutila ogrožene od Rusije...tule se pa stavr zatakneKo bomo v jedrskih zakloniščih jedli radioaktivno hrano, pa ne smeli ven pogledat, ker radioaktivni oblaki ne bodo omejeni samo na rusijo, bomo rekli, da se je splačalo kršit sporazume iz Minska in se z natom širit v Ukrajino, pa obstreljevat osamosvojitelje - pardon separatiste in civile in otroke v Donbasu. Slava Ukrajini. Glavno da Rus jedrsko vojno izgublja.![]()
mirsi reci da se hecaš....Na kakšnem nivoju razmišljanja sem js, ni v vojni v Ukrajini prav nič pomembno.
Lahko pa razmišlamo po zahodno:. Rusi so civilizirani pa jedrske ne bodo spustili, neglede na to, koliko jih stiskamo in tolčemo po njih.
Smo pa zadnjič slišali, kako bi američani Rusom potopili celotno mornarico, (khmm, ali je ZDA v vojni z Rusijo, da grozi?) Rusi se pa ne bodo branili in mirno sprejeli totalno kapitulacijo.
ja une tastare, ko so jih še s svincem zapiralpa konzerve si nabavi tist je bullet proof zoper sevanje