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Got my problem solved. Go to the Tech Department as they will help you right away. It was a stuck email in the outbox that was running up my data plan. On an iphone 5 the stuck email will attempt to send for 5 hours at a time. Then, time out and do it all over again once you open the email box up and look at more emails. Therefore, you have to delete that stuck email. If you can't on the "mail" button, then go to settings and turn on "airport mode". That will allow you to go into the email box and push edit and delete. Then, turn on your airport mode and your phone will be fine again. Your data usage will drop. Apparently, the tech said he gets 5-6 phone calls per day on this issue and it's stuck issues.
In res sem imel en mail v outboxu zaštekan, neposlan...in ga je skoz pošiljalo. Sem pobrisal, pa bomo zdaj videli. Vmes sem inštaliral še en program za spremljanje porabe in mi je v pol ure pokurilo 50 MB... nisem nič posebnega delal.