Za manjše pregrevanje, manjšo obrabo in manjšo verjetnost eksplozije pnevmatike svetujemo polnjenje pnevmatik s plinom, ki zagotavlja zanesljivo vožnjo in daljšo življensko dobo pnevmatike.
To piše na spletni strani AMZS, zdaj kolko je od tega res in, če res deluje pa ne vem, ker nisem nikol polnil gum s plinom
To pa je iz enega ameriškega bloga:
Nitrogen in tires is becoming a popular replacement for standard air. Nitrogen is all around us... the air we breathe is 78% nitrogen, 21% oxygen and the rest is small amounts of other gasses. When it comes to tire inflation, nitrogen has many advantages over oxygen. With nitrogen tire inflation, improvements can be noted in a vehicle's handling, fuel efficiency and tire life through better tire pressure retention, improved fuel economy and cooler running tire temperatures. Here at the Get Nitrogen Institute our goal is to provide consumers, over-the-road truckers, fleet managers and others information about the benefits of using nitrogen in tires.
Odločitev je tvoja
To piše na spletni strani AMZS, zdaj kolko je od tega res in, če res deluje pa ne vem, ker nisem nikol polnil gum s plinom

To pa je iz enega ameriškega bloga:
Nitrogen in tires is becoming a popular replacement for standard air. Nitrogen is all around us... the air we breathe is 78% nitrogen, 21% oxygen and the rest is small amounts of other gasses. When it comes to tire inflation, nitrogen has many advantages over oxygen. With nitrogen tire inflation, improvements can be noted in a vehicle's handling, fuel efficiency and tire life through better tire pressure retention, improved fuel economy and cooler running tire temperatures. Here at the Get Nitrogen Institute our goal is to provide consumers, over-the-road truckers, fleet managers and others information about the benefits of using nitrogen in tires.
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