Uporabnik eazy pravi:
Uporabnik Kamele0N pravi:
Se strinjam...po YUgoslaviji potop![]()
In povezava je kaj tocno?!
No, to glede zmage je tako. Pač en od videov, ki mu je uspel. Drugače je bil popolnoma za Sandersa, ko je Clintonova dobila nominacijo, je še kakšen mesec napovedoval, da se bodo vrnili, potem pa je itak začel ''navijat'' za Clintonovo, da ne bi Trump zmagal. In je bil ekstremno proti Trumpu. Tudi po zmagi je še kar obljubljal, da se bodo borili, itd. Škoda, da je s pokrivanjem volitev tako pristransko zavozil, ker drugače ima ta kanal The Young Turks zelo dobro poročanje o različnih novicah, ki se jih mainstream mediji sploh ne dotaknejo. Imajo lepo jajca povedat, kar mislijo in ne lezejo v rit establishmentu ali pa multinacionalkam, itd.Citat:
Uporabnik eazy pravi:
Cenk je zdavnaj napovedal zmago Trumpa in nikoli podpiral Hillary. Sicer pa on ni "turcin"... Se manj pa "oni"...
Young progressive or insurgent member of an institution, movement, or political party. 2. Young person who rebels against authority or societal expectations
Uporabnik eazy pravi:
Sicer pa on ni "turcin"...
Uporabnik Denis pravi:
Še vedno ne razumem, zakaj se zda in rusija nekak ne prenesejo? Kdo je to kriv, oz. kdo je zakuhal tole?
President-elect Donald Trump is seeking quick ways to withdraw the United States from a global accord to combat climate change, a source on his transition team said, defying broad global backing for the plan to cut greenhouse gas emissions.
Trump's advisers are considering ways to bypass a theoretical four-year procedure for leaving the accord, according to the source, who works on Trump's transition team for international energy and climate policy.
The source said the future Trump administration is weighing alternatives to accelerate the pull-out: sending a letter withdrawing from the 1992 international framework accord that is the parent treaty of the Paris Agreement; voiding U.S. involvement in both in a year's time; or issuing a presidential order simply deleting the U.S. signature from the Paris accord.
Withdrawing from the U.N. Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) would be controversial, partly because it was signed by former Republican President George H.W. Bush in 1992 and approved by the U.S. Senate. The action also could antagonize many other countries.
Stock Markets are up and closing at near record highs.
Russia wants to build a better and healthier relationship with the US.
Syria wants peace.
Doesn't want a salary as President. Get money out of politics and drain the swamp.
Uporabnik Pac_Man pravi:
Stock Markets are up and closing at near record highs.
Super, spet balonček, ki ga bo napihovala deregulacija.
Russia wants to build a better and healthier relationship with the US.
Je že prej, samo priznat je treba krimsko aneksijo, ukinit sankcije, umaknit NATO iz Evrope ter plačat reparacije. Kaj imajo pa od tega ZDA?
Syria wants peace.
Je že prej, samo Assadu je treba dovolit, da ubije kogar hoče.
Doesn't want a salary as President. Get money out of politics and drain the swamp.
Ne vem, če je ravno dobro. Tudi v UKR so politične plače nizke, pa karierni politiki vseeno prijavljajo milijone v gotovini. Poleg tega Veliki Oranžni stoka, da noče 24/7/365 živet v beli hiši. Leti B747 niso zastonj.
WSJ reports that Trump and his team didn't realize what a big job the United States presidency was, so Obama will give him "guidance."
Uporabnik Kamele0N pravi:
Uporabnik eazy pravi:
Uporabnik Kamele0N pravi:
Se strinjam...po YUgoslaviji potop![]()
In povezava je kaj tocno?!
Tvoj zgornji post!samo še čakal sem da vpleteš kako je YU vse to znala kar kompletna EU sedaj ne zna...![]() mamo Krupp... Siemens... Bofors... Suhl... Saab...
Uporabnik Matey pravi:
Uporabnik eazy pravi:
Sicer pa on ni "turcin"...
Prav imaš, najverjetneje je eskim, se vidi že z aviona![]()
Uporabnik eazy pravi:
Uporabnik titov pravi:
Ali pa tile mladi turčini:
<iframe width="420" height="315" src="" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>
<iframe width="420" height="315" src="" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>
Cenk je zdavnaj napovedal zmago Trumpa in nikoli podpiral Hillary. Sicer pa on ni "turcin"... Se manj pa "oni"...
Uporabnik Matey pravi:
Kako to misliš "kaj je mislil pod "turčin""? Pravilno bi bilo namreč "kaj sem mislil pod "turčin", to je bila namreč tvoja izjava, glej:
Uporabnik eazy pravi:
Uporabnik titov pravi:
Ali pa tile mladi turčini:
<iframe width="420" height="315" src="" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>
<iframe width="420" height="315" src="" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>
Cenk je zdavnaj napovedal zmago Trumpa in nikoli podpiral Hillary. Sicer pa on ni "turcin"... Se manj pa "oni"...
Torej - kaj je pol zdaj s tem človekom? In kaj točno si mislil z izjavo, da ni "turčin" pa da je tako očitno in vnebovpijoče? Hvala![]()
More broadly—and perhaps most important for Putin—Trump’s alpha-male fondness for Putin, combined with his self-professed willingness to make a deal on just about anything, suggests that he is willing to see the world as Putin does: a Second World War map waiting to be divided up between the great and powerful, in the manner of Roosevelt and Stalin at Yalta.
Not long ago, I spoke with Vladimir Yakunin, the former head of Russia’s state railways, and a member of Putin’s inner circle dating back to the nineteen-nineties. He told me that the rise of Trump “shows that, in a very serious way, the political establishment in your country no longer understands what’s happening inside its own system”—a development that he considered “very dangerous, seeing as the stability of the global political system largely depends on the stability of the American political system.”
Timothy Snyder, the historian and author, pointed out that Trump, the inveterate con man, had reason to envy Putin—“the real world version of the person Trump pretends to be on television.” The truth, however, may be darker: What if it turns out that Putin is the tactician and bluffer, who only plays the lunatic, and the real strongman, volatile and impulsive, is Trump?
Uporabnik Matey pravi:
1. Tebi vse smrdi na ksenofobijo (tak pač si, smo že navajeni)
2. Tebi vse smrdi na fašizem (najverjetneje zato, ker sebe vohaš a se tega ne zavedaš)
3. Tebi vse smrdi na rasizem (zato ker ti ni jasno, da muslimani pač niste druga rasa)
4. Še vedno ne vem zakaj pišeš o sebi v tretji osebi, ti si napisal, da on ni turčin in ne titov, ki je z izrazim mladi turčini ciljal na njihovo dejansko ime Young Turks , jaz pa sem po videzu ocenil, da točno to je (turčin kot v smislu da ima korenine v Turčiji) in s tem nisem mislil na nič slabega.
5. S tvojo izjavo, da tip ni "turčin" si torej hotel povedati, da ni musliman. Bravo. In pol sm jst kao čuden, ker nisem tega dojel. Talent.