Uporabnik TUPLI pravi:
Hvala tebi in ekipi simobil. Prejel NOKIA C7 jaz in žena .
Uporabnik Evrofil pravi:
V tole pa jaz nisem cisto preprican... Razen ce Symbian uporablja drugacen encoding ali signalling kot ostali telefoni...
Uporabnik TUPLI pravi:
Hvala tebi in ekipi simobil. Prejel NOKIA C7 jaz in žena .
Uporabnik rocky9 pravi:
Uporabnik Evrofil pravi:
V tole pa jaz nisem cisto preprican... Razen ce Symbian uporablja drugacen encoding ali signalling kot ostali telefoni...
Js mam Omnio HD in imam v vsakem sporočilu šumnike in v vseh sporočilih mi šteje šumnik kot eno črko. Symbian S60 5th edition je gor.
Uporabnik borovnica pravi:
Jest, tole si je Tupli zrihtal sam brez moje pomoči,.. kljub temu nisem vsemogočen,..
Ti kompliciraš. Jaz sem ti v dveh kratkih stavkih povedal kako je.Citat:
Uporabnik Jest pravi:
V kompliciranju pa vidim, da si specialist, da ti ni para... in tako iz enostavnega odgovora zakompliciras do konca![]()
If you want to send a message that contains characters that are not part of the GSM 7-bit character set, such as Chinese, Arabic, Thai, Cyrillic, etc., then the entire text of the SMS that actually goes out over the air needs to be encoded in the Unicode UCS-2 character set. In the UCS-2 character set, each character is encoded with 16-bits (or two 8-bit bytes). This means that an SMS message is limited to 70 16-bit Unicode characters (70 * 16 = 140 * 8).
UTF-16 (16-bit Unicode Transformation Format) ...
The older UCS-2 (2-byte Universal Character Set) is a similar character encoding that was superseded by UTF-16 in version 2.0 of the Unicode standard in July 1996.[1]. It produces a fixed-length format by simply using the code point as the 16-bit code unit and produces exactly the same result as UTF-16 for 63,488 code points in the range 0-0xFFFF, including all characters that had been assigned a value in this range at that time.
UTF-8 (UCS[1] Transformation Format — 8-bit)
Upam, da jo znaš nastaviti. (Resno.) Veliko ljudi si nabavi oh in sploh telefone, potlej pa jokcajo naokoli.Citat:
Uporabnik TUPLI pravi:
Hvala tebi in ekipi simobil. Prejel NOKIA C7 jaz in žena .
Uporabnik wildude pravi:
Upam, da jo znaš nastaviti. (Resno.) Veliko ljudi si nabavi oh in sploh telefone, potlej pa jokcajo naokoli.Citat:
Uporabnik TUPLI pravi:
Hvala tebi in ekipi simobil. Prejel NOKIA C7 jaz in žena .