Uporabnik reality pravi:
ampak kurbo sem posnel na telefon, vem pa da je to protizakonito...
Uporabnik reality pravi:
ker si navadna rit....
Uporabnik reality pravi:
S pomočjo bioresonance je bilo pred nekaj meseci ugotovljeno, da je kronično obremenjen z bakterijami (v črevesju), ki so posledica prvega cepljenja - nekaj dni po rojstvu. Od takrat naprej se izcejanje iz nosu ni nikoli ustavilo.
Uporabnik reality pravi:
ej takmu dohtarju kot si ti plunem u glavo.....
Uporabnik reality pravi:
dokler bojo takili pizdeki dohtarji like you, bo naše zdravstvo u kurcu...
Uporabnik reality pravi:
a se mal ponavljaš?
zakaj bi pakiral, če ti jamraš da tvojega dela ne cenijo?
Nam je jasno, tebi ni.......
Uporabnik reality pravi:
ker si navadna rit....
Uporabnik reality pravi:
S pomočjo bioresonance je bilo pred nekaj meseci ugotovljeno, da je kronično obremenjen z bakterijami (v črevesju), ki so posledica prvega cepljenja - nekaj dni po rojstvu. Od takrat naprej se izcejanje iz nosu ni nikoli ustavilo.
Uporabnik reality pravi:
ej takmu dohtarju kot si ti plunem u glavo.....
Uporabnik reality pravi:
dokler bojo takili pizdeki dohtarji like you, bo naše zdravstvo u kurcu...
In 1992, 620 adolescents were vaccinated against hepatitis B. Anti-HBs concentrations were measured in 480 (77.4%) adolescents 1 month after completion of the primary course of vaccination. To assess the persistence of anti-HBs, 347 and 228 of such vaccinees were retested for anti-HBs in 1999 and for anti-HBs and anti-HBc in 2003. More than 10 years after vaccination, individuals with anti-HBs >or=10 mIU/ml were considered protected while those with antibody <10 mIU/ml were given a booster dose and retested 2 weeks later. Check performed in 2003 showed that 208/228 (91.2%) vaccinees retained protective concentrations of anti-HBs. All vaccinees were anti-HBc negative. 11 of the 12 (91.7%) individuals who were given a booster dose of vaccine showed a vigorous anamnestic response while the remaining one showed a weak response (10.6 mIU/ml). These data suggests that hepatitis B vaccination can confer long-term immunity and that immunological memory can outlast the loss of antibody. Hence, the use of routine booster doses of vaccine does not appear necessary to maintain long-term protection in successfully vaccinated immunocompetent individuals.
Are booster immunisations needed for lifelong hepatitis B immunity?
European Consensus Group on Hepatitis B Immunity
Long-term protection against clinically significant breakthrough hepatitis B (HB) virus infection and chronic carriage depends on immunological memory, which allows a protective anamnestic antibody response to antigen challenge. Memory seems to last for at least 15 years in immunocompetent individuals. To date there are no data to support the need for booster doses of HB vaccine in immunocompetent individuals who have responded to a primary course. . All adequately vaccinated individuals have shown evidence of immunity in the form of persisting anti-HBs and/or in vitro B-cell stimulation or an anamnestic response to a vaccine challenge. Nonetheless several countries and individuals currently have a policy of administering booster doses to certain risk groups. Boosters may be used to provide reassurance of protective immunity against benign breakthrough infection. For immunocompromised patients, regular testing for anti-HBs, and a booster injection when the titre falls below 10 mIU/mL, is advised. Long-term monitoring should continue, to confirm the absence of clinically significant breakthrough episodes of hepatitis B and to find out if a carrier state develops after 15 years. Also, non-responders to a primary course should continue to be studied.
Long-term immunogenicity of hepatitis B vaccination in a cohort of Italian healthy adolescents
In 1992, 620 adolescents were vaccinated against hepatitis B. Anti-HBs concentrations were measured in 480 (77.4%) adolescents 1 month after completion of the primary course of vaccination. To assess the persistence of anti-HBs, 347 and 228 of such vaccinees were retested for anti-HBs in 1999 and for anti-HBs and anti-HBc in 2003. More than 10 years after vaccination, individuals with anti-HBs ≥10 mIU/ml were considered protected while those with antibody <10 mIU/ml were given a booster dose and retested 2 weeks later. Check performed in 2003 showed that 208/228 (91.2%) vaccinees retained protective concentrations of anti-HBs. All vaccinees were anti-HBc negative. 11 of the 12 (91.7%) individuals who were given a booster dose of vaccine showed a vigorous anamnestic response while the remaining one showed a weak response (10.6 mIU/ml). These data suggests that hepatitis B vaccination can confer long-term immunity and that immunological memory can outlast the loss of antibody. Hence, the use of routine booster doses of vaccine does not appear necessary to maintain long-term protection in successfully vaccinated immunocompetent individuals.
Uporabnik Jernej pravi:
Si videl, kakšna nenadkriljiva logika?!
Obstajajo ljudje, ki odreagirajo na cepivo in obstajajo ljudje, ki ne. Reality po tej trditvi hitro zaključi, da cepivo ni imunogeno. Proti takšnemu načinu razmišljanja enostavno ne moreš nič... ker tak človek lahko postane paranoičen in trditi, da bo konec sveta, če mu nekdo pokaže prst na ulici.
Ker si ravno omenilCitat:
Uporabnik Jernej pravi:
Če ne bomo pazljivi, bomo kmalu dopustili, da bo glas tovrstnih paranoičnih trollov kot je naš reality, dejansko postal relevanten tudi izven internetnih debat. Samo poglej ekofašiste na primer. Kaj to pomeni dolgoročno, si niti ne upam pomisliti.