Prosecutors in the trials to disband Golden Dawn claim the group slaughtered sheep to practice knife techniques, carried around bazookas, and was training to “break into parliament with tanks.”
In the prosecutors' 697-page case file, he is known only as Witness E -- a Golden Dawn ex-member turned state's informant. And what he has to share about the neo-Nazi political party -- its ideology, its training methods, and its plans for the future -- is terrifying.
Golden Dawn recruited a butcher to train its members in the art of using a knife effectively, in order to "neutralize opponents," Witness E told prosecutors. Party members participated in the mass slaughter of sheep in various farms around the Attica region, which encompasses Athens and its suburbs, to learn the best technique for "striking directly at the jugular."
All this training was "in preparation to overthrow the Greek government," Witness E suggested to prosecutors -- a jarring reminder of how little the Greek public truly understood the operational capabilities of Golden Dawn, or what the party even aimed to be. "They kept telling us that we'll break into the parliament with tanks," he said.
Founded in the mid-1980s, Golden Dawn originally started out as a small fringe discussion group -- one that only later developed electoral ambitions. Even after entering politics, Golden Dawn remained a bit player for much of its existence, in some elections winning less than 1 percent of the vote. Its breakthrough came in 2010, in the wake of the global financial crisis. With unemployment rates that would eventually reach as high as 28 percent in November 2013, the group rode a wave of government-directed anger, scoring its first electoral breakthrough in 2010 when one of its candidates won a seat on the Athens City Council. In the following years, the group continued to generate headlines for its violent attacks on immigrants and leftists, its fiery nationalistic rhetoric and, finally, for its electoral success: Golden Dawn sent shockwaves throughout Europe in 2012, when it won 18 seats in parliament with nearly 7 percent of the vote.
The party's share of support has now fallen to around 6 percent in the polls -- its lowest since it 2012, but likely still enough to win more than 10 seats in parliament for a group that, according to prosecutors, was less a political party than a full-fledged criminal organization.
The downfall of Golden Dawn began with the September 2013 stabbing death of a Greek anti-fascist musician named Pavlos Fyssas by man named Giorgos Roupakias. Roupakias initially denied he was a Golden Dawn member, but photos and videos of him at party events quickly demonstrated otherwise. The crackdown that came next was swift and unprecedented: All of Golden Dawn's MPs and more than 60 party members are facing a range of criminal charges, and more than 30 members of the party leadership are currently detained, including the party's founder and historical leader Nikolaos Michaloliakos.
The police operation against Golden Dawn may have started with a murder investigation, but photos, videos, and phone records in the case file show party members were involved in a web of criminal activities that ranged from possession of firearms and explosives -- illegal in Greece -- to money laundering, running protection rings, human trafficking, and aggravated assault. Several members face charges related to the stabbing, including one MP, Ioannis Lagos, who prosecutors say directed the murder. There is also at least one case of sexual assault in the offices of the Sparta branch of Golden Dawn and was reportedly covered up by local officials.
Golden Dawn's party leaders have long officially denied any link to Nazism, despite appearing to draw inspiration from Nazis for their imagery, songs, and rhetoric. But videos and photos obtained by the authorities from confiscated laptops and hard drives belonging to various party members and officials appear to belie these claims. They show party leaders dressed in S.S. uniforms, giving the Nazi salute. In one of the videos, Swastika-draped Golden Dawn members train with firearms, under the instructions of MP Ilias Kasidiaris and other elected officials.
The People’s Association headed by our members Artemis Mattheopoulos and Eleni Zaroulia visited Moscow and had extensive talks regarding Russian political and economic factors.
This visit marks the formal approach of Hellenism with Orthodox Russia through the People’s Association, expressing the will of the Greek people for an immediate strengthening of bilateral relations.
This meeting with the Moscow University Professor and advisor for Putin discussed geopolitical issues such as energy, international security and culture.
Mr. Dugin discussed developments in Ukraine, the political persecution of the Golden Dawn, the geostrategic position of Russia and bilateral relations with Greece.
With respect to the possibility of cooperation between the two states Mr. Dugin was very clear and stressed that this is imperative because we share the common values ​​of Orthodoxy and culture. Greece needs to lead a cultural (and geographical) empire in the Mediterranean region. Mr. Dugin believes the destiny of our country is the creation of a new empire with cultural content, based on ancient Greek values.
The Golden Dawn is a natural ally of Russia, and is fighting American expansionist policies. Russia is perfectly aware of the political persecution against us and believes that this is precisely because we talk openly in favor of a geopolitical shift towards Russia.
With respect to the elections, Mr. Dugin stressed that the time is approaching to build a Europe of Nations and culture against the usurers and the decadent.
The Golden Dawn condemns the direct involvement of the US and the EU in a sovereign country which undoubtedly leads to bloodshed and civil war. The wretched Greek leadership headed by Venizelos does not say a word about the deadly risk of the Hellenism and Orthodoxy in Ukraine that is already manifested by the violent attacks against our compatriots.
Americans, Germans and Zionists, who are hitting nationalism of peoples in every corner of Europe , with the first objective being Greece and the Golden Dawn, are now cooperating directly with the Nazi party in Ukraine, because it serves their geostrategic goals. The People's Association [Golden Dawn] supports holding free elections, in which people will decide the future of their country, rather than the ravens of international usury of Washington and Berlin.
Like myself, the Golden Dawn has a decidedly pro-Russian position, and recognizes that the “Nazis” of the Ukraine are simply being led to the slaughter by Jewish powers.
With the leader of Pravy Sektor now meeting with the Israeli ambassador, the whole thing has become a complete joke, and anyone who supports this revolution, while claiming to be a nationalist, is either stupid or a traitor.
American-Zionist media and paid hacks in Greece and around the world claim that Russia annexed the Crimea . This claim and the use of the term " annexation" is completely wrong and misleading.
So, being denounced by known mouthpieces of American-Zionists that this is a forced and lopsided energy integration on Russian soil is at least nonsense . The fact that during the referendum in the Crimea were encamped around 16,000 Russian soldiers can not be a reproach or attempt to influence the outcome , because these soldiers were there under the intergovernmental agreement between Russia and Ukraine. Russia had the right to develop up to 25,000 soldiers in the Crimea to protect Russian facilities and Russian citizens and paid for this purpose as part of the deal $ 100 million annually in Ukraine . This agreement was valid until 2042 , which is now unnecessary .
Given that one of Russian President Vladimir Putin’s stated reasons for invading Crimea was to prevent “Nazis” from coming to power in Ukraine, it is perhaps surprising that his regime is growing closer to Europe’s extreme right. But, in both cases, Putin’s motives are not primarily ideological, says a leading analyst.
“In Ukraine, he simply wants to grab territory that he believes rightly belongs to him. In the European Union, he hopes that his backing of fringe parties will destabilize his foes and install in Brussels politicians who will be focused on dismantling the EU rather than enlarging it,” Mitchell A. Orenstein writes for Foreign Affairs, citing the Kremlin’s links to Hungary’s anti-Semitic Jobbik party, France’s extreme-right National Front, Bulgaria’s far right Ataka party and Golden Dawn, the Greek fascist party:
Golden Dawn has never hidden its close connections to Russia’s extreme right, and is thought to receive funds from Russia. One Golden Dawn–linked website reports that Michaloliakos even received a letter in prison from Moscow State University professor and former Kremlin adviser Alexander Dugin, one of the authors of Putin’s “Eurasian” ideology. It was also Dugin who hosted Jobbik leader Vona when he visited Moscow. In his letter, Dugin expressed support for Golden Dawn’s geopolitical positions and requested to open a line of communication between Golden Dawn and his think tank in Moscow. Golden Dawn’s New York website reports that Michaloliakos “has spoken out clearly in favor of an alliance and cooperation with Russia, and away from the ‘naval forces’ of the ‘Atlantic.’
“Similarly, Russian support of the far right in Europe has less to do with ideology than with his desire to destabilize European governments, prevent EU expansion, and help bring to power European governments that are friendly to Russia,” he concludes.
Golden Dawn may also be receiving some assistance from Russia. One of the novelties of Golden Dawn's brand of neo-Nazism is its antipathy toward Germany and strong links with Russian and Eastern European fascist groups. Russia has always been an important player in Greek politics due to its interests in the eastern Mediterranean. Many Greeks express admiration for the right-wing, nationalist government of Putin and his ability to stand up to European capitalists. And, as in Cyprus, there seems to be a lot of Russian money flowing into Greece. Russia is currently on a charm offensive in Greece, offering investment and aid in an obvious attempt to chip away at the EU periphery. A recent editorial in Pravda offered to make Greece a "prospering state in one year." Golden Dawn has strong connections to the ultra-nationalist group Russky Obraz, which in turn has shadowy connections to Russian secret police and Putin's political party, United Russia. It is entirely likely, even probable, that Russia sees Golden Dawn as an important element in its strategy to expand influence in the Eastern Mediterranean, especially in light of the threat to its bases in Syria.
Among the candidates running under the Golden Dawn banner (which looks strikingly like a Nazi flag) are two retired generals who have held senior positions in the Greek military. One worked at NATO Central Command and on the European Union military staff, while the other commanded Greek special forces.
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Two other Golden Dawn candidates for the Euro elections flew to Moscow this spring to meet with Alexander Dugin, an ideologue and longtime Vladimir Putin supporter, on the desirability of a Eurasian alliance between Russia and its former Soviet satellite states. Dugin has been meeting with far-rightists from across Europe.
This raises uncomfortable questions as the United States rallies the 28 members of NATO to stand strong against Russia on Ukraine. Staunchly anti-communist Greece joined NATO in 1952, but Golden Dawn is anti-NATO, viewing Russia as Greece’s natural ally. How many other Greek senior officers secretly sympathize with Golden Dawn’s ideology?
The socialist PASOK party, which has been a strong opponent of Golden Dawn, fared particularly poorly in the local elections. Its leader, Greek deputy Prime Minister Evangelos Venizelos, declared, “It is the urgent duty of all citizens and social forces who believe in democracy and human rights to battle the fascist-ization of political life.”