Napetost v Ukrajini - Krimu


6. sep 2007
“Everything is PR” has become the favorite phrase of the new Russia; my Moscow peers were filled with a sense that they were both cynical and enlightened. When I asked them about Soviet-era dissidents, like my parents, who fought against communism, they dismissed them as naive dreamers and my own Western attachment to such vague notions as “human rights” and “freedom” as a blunder. “Can’t you see your own governments are just as bad as ours?” they asked me.

Ampak tole pa komplet drži kot pribito.


10. maj 2014
PR je zagotovo važen, pljuvanje po idealistih in enačenje zahoda z Rusijo ali Kitajsko sta pa totalna mimosuna. Drugi je kot bi rekel, da sta prehlad in ebola isto sranje. Oboje sta bolezni. Kaj bi imel raje?

Ker kakorkoli obračaš, idealisti in vizionarji spreminjajo svet. Od Bude i prije do Muska i poslije. Cablegate-a in NSA afere ne bi bilo brez Chelsee Manning, Snowdena, Assangeja in celotne posadke na wikileaks ter množice novinarjev, večinoma na NYT, Washington Postu in Guardianu, ki so pomagali obdelat podatke in vse skupaj tudi objavili. V veliki meri idealisti.

In kakšne so bile sankcije? Chelsea je dobila 35 let zapora, Snowden je ušel v Rusijo, Assange se pa skriva na ekvadorski ambasadi. Pred obtožbami posilstva na Švedskem. Bi rekel, da ga malo daje paranoja. Nihče ni izginil, nihče ni bil umorjen in kar je morda najbolj važno - pri nobenem od sodelujočih medijev niso odpuščali urednikov, pod prisilo menjali lastniške strukture ali jih celo zaprli. WP in Guardian sta za svoje delo pri NSA škandalu celo dobila Pulitzerjevo nagrado.

Poskusi tako izdajo državnih skrivnosti izvest v Rusiji. Trenutno zaradi poročanja o ruski udeležbi v bojih na v. Ukrajine grozi zaprtje zadnjemu neodvisnemu radiu v Rusiji.


Ravno danes je Rusija štartala še eno tiskovno agencijo.

Na prvi pogled ciljajo na urbanite, ki jih politika preveč ne zanima. RT brand so zgleda ocenili kot preveč kontroverzen.


In 2015, Sputnik will broadcast in 30 languages, with over 800 hours of radio programming a day, covering over 130 cities and 34 countries. Sputnik’s exclusive content is designed for a global audience of billions who are tired of aggressive propaganda promoting a unipolar world and want a different perspective.
Sputnik points the way to a multipolar world that respects every country's national interests, culture, history and traditions. "In this world, Japan is Japanese, Turkey is Turkish, China is Chinese and Russia is Russian," Kiselev said. "We are not suggesting that other nations should adopt the Russian way of life. We believe everyone is entitled to live in their own way. Our outlook on the world is rooted in international law. The ongoing evolution of international relations is good for us and good for humankind. We are not an opposition media outlet in the countries where we operate. We maintain good relations with everybody."

Na drugi pogled bodo promovirali ideje Evrazianizma.
Nazadnje urejeno:


10. maj 2014
To je po neki logiki ekvivalentno? Druga stran istega kovanca?

CNN To Cease Broadcasting in Russia in December

CNN (Cable News Network), the Atlanta-based American broadcasting company is ending its broadcasting in Russia by December 31, 2014, Vedomosti reported

Turner Broadcasting System Europe, Ltd., a subsidiary of Time Warner, which owns CNN, informed cable operators in a letter obtained by Vedomosti that it will discontinue broadcasts. Cable operators Vymplekom and Akado confirmed they had received the letter. No reason was stated for the discontinuation of CNN in Russia.
In 2009, Roskomnadzor, the Russian state media agency that acts as a censor, began to make harsh demands on foreign cable TV, placing new requirements for licensing and threatening that the stations would be shut off if they were not met. The review of CNN's application dragged on for some time and in fact had still not been received at the time of today's announcement. The station operated with a letter saying it was "in the process of receiving" the license.

One source said that CNN may have decided to end its Russian version because ad sales were poor in Russia, although there was no confirmation of this claim from Roskomnadzor, said Vedomosti.

In 2010, Russia passed a law barring the investment of foreign radio and television companies in Russia over 50%. The US-funded Radio Liberty ceased broadcasting in 2012. Earlier, Voice of America had moved to an Internet version in 2008 then later closed its office last year. In 2011, BBC's Russian Service and Germany's Deutsche Welle also ceased broadcasting.

In September 2014, the State Duma or parliament, passed an even harsher law restricting foreign capital to 20%, which affected most foreign media operating in Russia.

Vedomosti itself, as a 100% foreign-owned joint venture of the Financial Times, Wall Street Journal and Sanoma Independent Media, is affected under the law.

Sanoma had begun looking for a buyer already in July, then Vedomosti was reportedly sold before the law passed -- to unknown buyers in Russia.


Russia Launches Yet Another Propaganda Outlet, Sputnik News

As if the Kremlin's best known propaganda outlet were not enough, Russia is now launching the English-language, an Internet news site and network of radio stations. RIA Novosti, the once-respected Russian state news agency, is no longer publishing in English as a result of this reorganization.
Moscow wants to increase its reach even deeper into the airwaves in foreign capitals in order to influence public opinion and then government policy.
The new outlet features the same induced myopia about the world's crises as other state media, simultaneously ascribing to the US a global influence it doesn't have, and exonerating Russia of its interventions in the world. To cite but two obvious examples, Russia has supplied over a $1 billion in arms to the government of Bashir al Assad in Syria, forcibly annexed the Crimea and even now has invaded Ukraine
Yet while the Soviet-era propaganda stations espoused and spread communism with a definitive ideology, the new Russian brand is more a murky brew of Putinism, disinformation, and anti-Westernism.

The page has a modern look with headlines and pictures arranged in a checkerboard, but the kinds of stories featured are the old staple of Russia propaganda familiar from, such as American conspiracy theorist Paul Craig Roberts who once served as Assistant Secretary of the Treasury in the Reagan Administration and is notorious for his antisemitism, who has a story on American presidential crimes.

Like and its heirs in the Soviet press, Sputnik focuses on Western ills, like the US "War on Drugs" or UK's investment in Colombia development or US and Canadian government surveillance as if they had no counterpart in Russia.

Last week Rossiya Segodnya, which is the parent company for state news media, RIA Novosti and now Sputnik opened bureaus in a number of Western cities including London to increase the Russian invasion into Internet and television. As a radio station, Sputnik will compete with liberal radio stations like NPR in the US, which can be critical of Russia, and local FM radio stations which people listen to on their morning commute.

"It is absolutely clear to us that trying to broadcast in foreign languages and win over foreign audiences from Moscow is not a productive approach," Rossiya Segodnya Editor-in-Chief Margarita Simonyan said. "Journalists who work in Moscow are not in a position to understand local realities as well as the locals themselves. Nor will they be able to invite local newsmakers and experts to their studios."

Russia extension of its reach comes even as it has forced the US government station Voice of America to close in Moscow and suppressed the domestic free press by censoring some sites such as Ekho Moskvy, issuing warnings of criminal investigations on "extremism" and forcing controversial reporters to resign.


16. feb 2011



10. maj 2014
Donbas danes:

Vsaj nekateri videi so ista kolona, se nisem poglabljal.

Sami T-72, zgleda je izven Ukrajine zmanjkalo uporabnih T-64 in je ta del farse odpadel. Zadnji, precej žalosten, T-64 v pro-ruski uporabi sem videl med boji na letališču. Kak mesec nazaj, ko je na sceno prišel Givi.


10. maj 2014
Komentar enega od prisotnih na zgornji debati in klic k prepovedi RT v VB.

Democratist was present (as an audience member) at the King’s College London War Studies Society panel discussion, “On Holiday with a Tank: Russian Action and Ambition in Ukraine” yesterday evening.

The quality of debate, as one would expect of such an event, was excellent. This is not the place for a detailed précis, but suffice to say there was general agreement among the panel that Russian aggression looks set to continue in Ukraine, and that propaganda will play an important role in Russia’s strategy of “hybrid War.”

Afterwards I spoke to some of the forty or fifty Ukrainian students present at the discussion. They informed me that many of the young British people they have spoken to in recent months about this years revolution in Ukraine had replied by regurgitating Russian propaganda lines – conspiracy theories concerning the events during the revolution in February, or the crash of MH17, or unconvincing suggestions that the newly-elected government in Kiev is in fact a “fascist junta.”

This trend is testimony to an unpalatable truth; that RT’s disinformation is having a slowly corrosive impact on political discourse in the UK.
My worry is that we in the UK are in the process of permitting the creation of a generation of manipulated pseuds (on both left and right), who think that spouting this nonsense is cool and edgy, because it shows how super-informed and cynical/radical they are; adding a dark side to youthful rebellion in the service of authoritarianism.

RT is NOT the alternative to the “mainstream media” it likes to pretend (the one that wants you to “Question More”). It’s a propaganda channel whose main task is to produce manipulative noise, designed to confuse and misdirect.



10. maj 2014
Russian Legislators Receive Responses from Military Officials on Soldiers Reportedly Killed in Combat in Ukraine

Russia's Chief Military Prosecutor responded a query sent by Pskov legislator Lev Shlosberg, who began a probe of soldiers' deaths in combat last summer. Ekho Moskvy has published Shlosberg's LiveJournal blog entry on the response.
In a letter dated October 28, M.L. Toporikov, head of the 3rd oversight department of the Main Military Prosecutor's Office said that his office had reviewed Shlosberg's appeals of September 18 and October 17 regarding Pskov paratroopers who died in service. The Interpreter has provided a translation:

The circumstances of death of each of the servicemen indicated in the appeal outside their permanent base is being verified at the present time under the procedure established by the Code of Criminal Procedures. With that aim, highly-qualified specialists have conducted autopsies. Oversight of compliance with law in conducting such checks has been established by agencies of the military prosecutor.

Social support measures for the members of the servicemen's families who died while performing their service duties, and the ensuring of their rights and guarantees are defined by Russian law and implemented in each case. Oversight has been established for the fulfillment of legal requirements on this score by agencies of the military prosecutor's office.

Transfer of forces from the place of permanent deployment is made and trainings are conducted in accordance with orders and instructions of agencies of military command and military officials.

Information about these activities and incidents that have occurred are not subject to disclosure in the interests of the Russian Federation, and therefore other information requested by you in accordance with Art. 6, point 1 of the July 21, 1993 Law No. 548501 of the Russian Federation "On State Secrecy" constitute a state secret, and in connection with Art. 11, point 6 of the Federal Law of May 2, 2006, no. 59-FZ "On Procedures for Review of Appeals from Citizens of the Russian Federation" cannot be provided.

Nevertheless, no violations of laws by military prosecutor's agencies were discovered, and no grounds for taking measures for the prosecutor's response were found.*

*zelo verjetna laž



10. maj 2014
Em, dva posta višje sem nalepil uradni odgovor ruskega obrambnega ministrstva na vprašanje o vojakih, ki so umrli med "vajami". Državna skrivnost.

Buba, ko se ne morete nemoteno trepljat po ramah kakšni fašiji so ukri?

Orest gun with runes of ancient gods: Dazhd'boh, Belboh, Perun, Svarog. #pravysektor



10. maj 2014
Ruski agitprop, menda posnet v Nižnem Novogorodu, Rusija.

Podnapisov ni, ampak se da razumet, bistvo od 1:00 naprej.


2. mar 2010
Ta dopis sem naložil na .
ocr dokument:

RUSSIA Oblast Council of Deputies
Main Military Prosecutor Shlosbsrgu LM
lane. Holzunova, 14,
_-Moscow, Russia, the K-160 /
10.2014 № Do?! '/ U / L

Dear Lev Markovich!
In the Main Military Prosecutor's Office reviewed!, I your treatment of 16 September and 17 October 2014, concerning the deaths of military personnel serving in military units stationed on the territory of the Pskov region.
The circumstances of the death of each of these outstanding soldiers outside their permanent stations are installed and are currently being tested in the manner prescribed by the law of criminal procedure. With this intact produced highly qualified forensic examinations. Military procuratorial bodies set supervision of the implementation of legislation in carrying out these checks.
Measures of social support to family members of soldiers killed on duty, ensuring their rights and guarantees defined by Russian legislation and implemented in each case. Supervision of compliance with the requirements of the law in this part of the military prosecution authorities also installed.
Moving troops from places of permanent deployment is done and exercises are conducted in accordance with the orders and instructions of the military administration and military officials.
Information on these activities and events occurring in the interests of the Russian Federation is not subject to disclosure, and therefore other information requested by you in accordance with the provisions of paragraph 1 of Article 5 of the Law of the Russian Federation of 21 July 1993 № 5485-1 «On State Secrets" constitute state secret, and therefore, in accordance with paragraph 6 of Article 11 of the Federal Law of May 2, 2006 № 59-FZ "On the order of consideration of citizens of the Russian Federation" can not be granted.
Violation of the law in this case military procuratorial bodies have been identified, the grounds for the prosecutor's intervention is not available.

Head 3 ^ 0,055,780 Management Oversight
Main Military Prosecutor ______-
ML hatchets


16. feb 2011
Uporabnik Tony_Clifton pravi:
Uporabnik Abraham pravi:

<iframe width="420" height="315" src="" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>
Totalen primitivec.
Zakaj? Ker je povedal neko poučno zgodbico?


mesija - Assassin's Creep
8. jul 2010
blizu močvirne prestolnice
Uporabnik Abraham pravi:
Torej so ukri gotofi?

Povej zakaj si ga mečeš na Ruse? Matr, dokazano ti je da je vodstvo ruskih separatistov totalnih fašistov in da so na ukrajinskih volitvah fašisti totalno pogoreli. S sprejetjem zakonov proti ukrajinskem jeziku, proti homusexualcem..dokazujejo kakšni so tile ruski fašisti, ej sem mislil da si razumnejši, pa pusti o tem kdo koga podpira. Škoda da ne uporabljaš ruske tehnologije, aja saj je nimajo oziroma je zastarela.
Kdor podpira te ruske nacionaliste je podpiral tudi zločine Srbov nad Hrvati.