Tole sem pokradel od tukaj:
Vsaj nekateri "mednarodni opazovalci" volitev 2. novembra so do Donbasa naredili ovinek čez Moskvo in tega niso preveč skrivali.
International fake observers of the fake elections in the Donbass arrived in Moscow on the 31st of October and checked in the 5-star Metropol Hotel. They had a late dinner at the hotel restaurant and some of them went for a walk to the Red Square:
Alessandro Bertoldi, member of Forza Italia and "observer" of the terrorist "elections", Moscow, 31 October 2014
Vladimir Djukanovic, member of the Serbian Progressive Party and "observer" of the terrorist "elections", Moscow, 31 October 2014
The "observers" arriving to the Russia-Ukraine border in Kuybyshevo
At the border, (pro-)Russian extremists put armed escorts into the buses of "observers" and then they crossed the border. None of them passed any official Ukrainian border control.
(Pro-)Russian extremists' armed escort on the way from Kuybyshevo to Donetsk
International "observers" and terrorists of the "Donetsk People's Republic" at the Ramada Hotel, Donetsk, 1 November 2014
US "observer"
Srđa Trifkoviæ's room at the Ramada Hotel, Donetsk
Some of them met with French/Serbian Eurasianist fighters:
Manuel Ochsenreiter, editor of the far right Zuerst! journal (far left), and Dragana Trifkovic, director of the Belgrade Centre of Strategic Research (far right), with French/Serbian Eurasianists fighting against Ukrainians in Eastern Ukraine
2x Trifkoviæ, eden sicer Američan. Naključje ali družinski posel?