Napetost v Ukrajini - Krimu


mesija - Assassin's Creep
8. jul 2010
blizu močvirne prestolnice
Uporabnik Rosenthal pravi:
Dejansko pa ima CIA praktično vse svetovne medije pod nadzorom. Ene tistih izjem, ki nimajo, so Rusija, Kuba, S.Koreja, Iran, Venezuela, Ekvador, Nikaragva.

sami cvetovi od držav.


10. maj 2014
Pred tremi dnevi alter, danes Reuters:

Exclusive: Charred tanks in Ukraine point to Russian involvement


But among the debris Reuters found the blackened carcasses of what military experts have since identified as two Russian army tanks, supporting statements by Kiev and the West that the rebels were backed by troops and equipment sent by Moscow.
Reuters showed photographs of the two badly damaged tanks, one of which had lost its turret, to four independent military experts, who said they were of a type used exclusively by the Russian army.
Alexei Koshelenko, who said he was captured on Aug. 24-25 near the town of Ilovaysk, said: "We were hit by (multiple rocket launcher) Grads and after that the troops just swept us away. We were completely defeated within 20 minutes. Many of us were killed, others are missing."

"They were Russians," he said after being released with other prisoners of war. Referring to a city 300 km (200 miles) northeast of Moscow, he said: "They said they were an airborne assault battalion from Kostroma."

The accounts of residents of Horbatenko, a village of a few dozen inhabitants which overlooks the fields that became the battlefield, also challenge Russia's denials of direct intervention.

Valentina Ivanovna, 75, said she was slightly wounded by shrapnel when fighting became fierce in late August.

"We saw an armored convoy coming down here," she said. "They had white circles on the armor and white flags but whose troops they were we don’t know."

Neither the rebels nor the Ukrainian forces have white circles as their permanent recognized emblem. But another local resident, who gave her name only as Nina for fear of retribution, said she had been told the meaning of the white circles in conversations with passing soldiers who identified themselves as Russian.

"One of them told me: white circles mean this is Russians," she said. "He came to the last house for some water to drink and I asked how you can tell the difference between a Ukrainian or Russian. He said that if it's us, there are white circles on the tanks."

The two damaged tanks were too badly burned to have any recognizable insignia but a destroyed Soviet-made BMP-2 armored personnel carrier a few hundred meters away also bore a white circle on its broken turret.

Residents of areas on the Ukrainian side of the border with Russia also reported seeing armored convoys marked by white circles on Aug. 26.

Two days later Reuters spotted an armored convoy with the same insignia on the Russian side of the border.
Anti-tank missiles fired near where the tanks were destroyed also appear to have originated in Russia because various used parts of Kornet anti-tank guided missiles were left there.

Reuters showed three military experts photographs of the missile parts and two of them said Ukraine does not have anti-tank guided missiles of this type.

"The presence of the Kornet ATGM is noteworthy and while it has been exported widely by Russia this list does not include Ukraine. As such, it further supports Russian involvement," the International Institute for Strategic Studies told Reuters.

Trenches near the tanks also provided what appeared to be more evidence of foreign troops - numerous empty boxes of ready-to-eat meals that are used by the Russian army. Each box contains meals for one day.

A Reuters reporter counted 124 packages of field rations with "not for sale" labels and notes that they were produced for the Russian Defense Ministry.

A spokeswoman for Voentorg, the company in Russia that produces such meals for the Russian Defense Ministry, confirmed they cannot be sold.

About 50 empty bottles of mineral water around the tanks bore labels identifying them as being produced in Russia's Ivanovo province, the region where the division of the Russian paratroopers captured in August is based.Although Moscow has denied any direct involvement in the conflict, graves have been found in Russia with the remains of Russian servicemen who relatives, friends and human rights activists say were killed in Ukraine.


10. maj 2014
Je trčen ali zadet.

V takem primeru greš v zaklon. Če te šrapnel pospravi v zaledju, si naredil točno 0.


10. maj 2014
Ukrajinci postajajo učinkovitejši pri propagandi. Od predkratkim imajo 2 angleška TVja. Hromadske International in Ukraine Today. Obadva sicer precej nizkoproračunska.

Video o ruskih fašistih z angleškimi podnapisi:

Nazi groups in "Army of DNR" by ICTV


10. maj 2014

Po google translate tega članka se je ves halo začel v petek dopoldne, ko je švedski patrolni čoln povozil na pol potopljen predmet premera 50 cm. Šlo naj bi za del podvodne inštalacije/oddajnika, ki se je odpel s sidrišča. Najprej so mislili, da je boja za klic na pomoč z ruske podmornice.

On Friday, a battleship from the Armed Forces have been driving on an object in the Stockholm archipelago, a form of Russian main transmitter, which stuck underwater, detached and floated to the surface, according to a source.

This information is not verified, but so interesting and informed that they are not going to overlook.

- It was a Combat 90 which collided with what they initially thought was a submarine, but later turned out to be a permanent installation as cut and floated to the surface in the Stockholm archipelago, said Aftonbladet source of reporter Johan Stambro.

The object, which will be half a meter in diameter, roughly, is taken care of and is now in a military area.


According to Aftonbladet source is above all more Russian transmitters that are sought on the sea floor right now.

Yesterday cordoned an area at the entrance to Nynashamn, next Nåttarö, of the civilians. No one was allowed to approach more than 10,000 feet for several hours. From a distance appeared the big three corvettes HMS Visby, Sundsvall and Stockholm, and according to Aftonbladet source, the Armed Forces at the time have made ​​several discoveries of Russian transmitter.

Givijeve dogodivščine:

Givi je jezen, da ukri obstreljujejo cerkev. Agenta FSB pelje v stolp s pogledom na letališče, kjer je na tleh polno praznih patronov. Strojnično/ostrostrelsko gnezdo. Za patrone obtoži Ukrajince, ki so po njegovi logiki streljali od mesta proti terminalu.


Na kontrolnem stolpu še vedno plapola ukrajinska zastava.


Osebje foruma
18. sep 2007
Zanimivo. Jaz pa sem mislil, da se je vse skupaj začelo po 100 pričanjih, da so videli podmornico, ki je prišla na površje.

A zdaj, ko je niso našli, se grejo pa rezervni scenarij.


10. maj 2014
"Ukrajina, in tudi širše, Vzhodna Evropa, je med najbolj obetavnimi rastočimi trgi za proizvajalce kmetijske mehanizacije, kot je gigant Deere, pa tudi proizvajalcem semen Monsanto in DuPont."

No shit Sherlock. Izvesti morajo reformo kmetijstva & praktično vse ostale ekonomije, ker je učinkovitost v organu. Seveda vključuje tudi modernizacijo.
Ena stvar pri povračilnih sankcijah - Rusi so se delali norca, da bodo že preživeli brez hohštaplerskih francoskih sirov in italjanskih šunk. Problem - evropsko kmetijstvo je vsaj tako dobro pri industrijski proizvodnji ton in ton poceni, varne in relativno zdrave in okusne hrane.

"Ukrajinsko kmetijstvo bo trpelo resno škodo, če bo vlada dovolila uporabo gensko spremenjenih semen v državi. Kmetje si bodo s tovrstnimi pridelki zmanjšali trge za izvoz, saj je tako v Rusiji kot v EU-ju močna propaganda proti uporabi gensko spremenjene hrane in organizmov"

Kdo je tukaj butast?

Katastrofa od članka. Butneš notri par antiglobal boogeymanov in imaš prispevek.


11. okt 2007

Ukraine Falls Under Fascist Bankster Thumb

Ukraine has vast natural gas deposits, an advanced industrial base and is a highly strategic crossroads for oil & gas pipelines connecting Four Horsemen Caspian Sea energy fields with European consumers. In 2009 a dispute between Putin and Tymoshenko over Russia’s trans-Ukrainian gas supplies caused a huge spike in gas prices in Europe.

In October 2013 the IMF met with Ukrainian officials to discuss the country’s alleged “budget crisis”. The bankster enforcer arm demanded that Ukraine double consumer prices for natural gas and electricity, devalue its currency, slash state funding for schools and the elderly, and lift a ban on the sale of its rich farmland to foreigners. In return for this Ukraine was promised a measly $4 billion.

Yanukovych told the IMF to take a hike and Russia soon stepped in promising cheaper energy and stating it would buy $15 billion in Ukrainian bonds. Yanukovych was now on the bankster hit list, and the rest is history.


10. maj 2014
Exit pool današnjih volitev:

Poroshenko 23%
Yats' Ppl Front 21%
Samopomich 13%
Oppo Bloc 7.6% (bivša stranka regij - janukovič)
Lyashko 6.4%
Svoboda 6.3% ("fašisti")
Tymoshenko 5.6%

Komunisti in desni sektor so pod pragom. Za skrajno karkoli se lahko štejeta Svoboda in Ljaško, čeprav Ljaško je pod vprašajem. Manj kot 13 %. L. 2012 je Jobbik na Madžarskem dobil več kot 20% pa ni pol toliko cirkusa kot zadnje leto okrog Ukrajine.

Porošenko, Ljudska fronta in Samopomoč lahko mirno naredijo koalicijo.

Kdo je naci?


Osebje foruma
18. sep 2007
In kaj jim to pomaga, ko se pozimi ne bodo mogli greti oz. jim bomo evropejci placevali za plin?


10. maj 2014
Za eno zimo plina bi prodal 40 miljonsko nacijo v hlapčevstvo?

Enostavno - ali smo Evropa in stojimo za določene vrednote ali pa razpustimo ta naš mali krožek.

Ukrajina ima še veliko dela, večina je odvisna na njih. Poljakom je uspelo. Naša naloga je, da jih podpremo, dokler konstruktivno rešujejo težave.

Vsi "exit pooli" na kupu:



Okoli plina - državno plinsko podjetje ga posameznikom že od vekomaj subvencionira, cena je 40-50 USD/1000m3 ali kaj je že enota. Na trgu ga pod 200 USD Rusi niso ponujali niti v najbolj mokrih sanjah. Trenutna ponudba, če odplačajo dolg, je 380 USD. Cena bo šla gor v vsakem primeru in to močno.

Baltski LNG terminal je v testnem obratovanju, pokril bo lahko 75% potreb vseh treh držav
Nazadnje urejeno:


10. maj 2014
Rezultati skrajne desnice v EU:


V Rusiji ima Žirinovski okrog 12 %, zraven se lahko šteje še celo Putinovo Združeno Rusijo (50%). Konec koncev so aneksirali ozemlje sosede, z njo so v odprtem konfliktu pa homoseksualci, priseljenci & muslimani jim dvigajo pritisk.
Nazadnje urejeno:


10. maj 2014
Kaj se zgodi, če stisneš Gazprom za jajca?

Even if the LNG market remains less economical than long-term contracts with Gazprom, the mere presence of the floating LNG terminal would, strengthen Lithuania’s bargaining position vis-à-vis Gazprom for long-term contracts. This has already been demonstrated when Lithuania in May 2014 re-negotiated its gas contract and for the first time since declaration of independence received a price cut. Gazprom agreed to cut Lithuania’s gas price to $370, a reported discount of about 20 percent. From July 2014, Lithuanian consumers can expect to pay 15-24% less. One of the potential future economic benefits experts anticipate from the Klaipeda LNG terminal would enable Lithuania to take advantage of favourable gas price fluctuations in the spot market, especially if the US shale gas revolution and a glut of LNG in the global gas markets persist.


Vsi odgovorni za TEŠ 6 si zaslužijo kje viset.

Lithuania saves 30 mln euros on LNG terminal project

The Costs of constructing liquefied natural gas (LNG) terminal in Klaipeda were 30 million euros less than planned, announced Algirdas Butkevicius, Prime Minister of Lithuania, on Wednesday.

According to Butkevicius, the total cost of building the terminal infrastructure is around 101.4 million euros, or 30 million euros less than planned. The Prime Minister was attending a meeting of Commission responsible for LNG terminal project and examined construction works in Klaipeda.

Izgradnja terminala je bila 20% pod predvidenimi stroški.
Nazadnje urejeno:


10. maj 2014
Prvič po 4. novembru 2005 ruski marš v Moskvi ni dobil dovoljenj. Bo pa menda na Krimu in morda še kje (st. Peterburg?). Škoda, tako lep photo-op bi bil.





Kdo je naci?