Napetost v Ukrajini - Krimu


13. sep 2007
Jebemo andy
Začnem brat tvoj citat, pol pa se spomnim in pogledam od kod si linka novico, in itak


6. sep 2007

Ampak res Andy, lahko bi se vsaj toliko potrudil in poiskal kak članek npr. BBCja


10. maj 2014
Če se komu ne da okvarjat z ostalim, naj pogleda prvih 20 sekund:

The commander of the elite special forces unit “Alpha” Volodymyr Chovhanyuk during the interrogation shared his version of events that happened on Maidan in Kyiv February 20, 2014. During the operation Chovhanyuk was the first sub-commander of the Alpha unit. During the commission lead by Verhovna Rada, general Henadiy Moskal’ literary started interrogating the suspect. Here’s a translation of their conversation.

- Was the Alpha unit involved in actions on February 20?

- Yes, it was, on February 18 and 20.


- What was your task? Why did you receive a command to get inside the labor house?

- The antiterrorist operation “Boomerang” had been announced.


- Have you seen the plan with your own eyes? Your surname and your cell number are mentioned in it.

- The commander of the antiterrorist operation saw the plan with his own eyes.

- What is your code name?

- Indian.

- That is correct. His name is in the plan.

- No one is denying that. I, personally, was in charge of the war unit.

- How many of you landed on the labor house?

- 238 people. But we didn’t land – we came in.

- Via “Khreshchatyk” hotel?

- Yes.

- Do you really have that many people?

- Beside the Kyiv unit regional units were also involved – Kremenchuh, Crimea and other regional units.


After that the committee started showing pictures that were published on the American site The daily Beast. Chovhanyuk confirmed that these are SBU officers on the territory of the SBU building at Volodymyrs’ka street, 33.

- And why yes? Well, OK. The author of this article says that he has 90 GB of recorded videos and photos taken on February 20 and 21. Where were you heading?

- We were on the move almost all the time. This particular move could have been anywhere including the shooting range for training.

- Is that a sniper rifle inside that cover?

- It is hard for me to tell?

- Then come closer.

- You know – I can see well.

- So what might it be?

- So, what if it’s a sniper rifle?

- Listen, you get very irritated when we ask you these questions. We are simply talking here in public and we just want to find out who was shooting people on Maidan. Can you, as an expert, tell us what is that?

- There might be a sniper rifle or an assault rifle…

- As for me, it’s definitely a sniper because of the long barrel.
But OK, let’s move on. What the yellow armbands mean?

- Recognition system.


- Then why did the special squadron with assault rifles, who also dressed up like you, put on the yellow armbands?

- All units have had pretty much the same equipment.


- Are these all your cars on the photos from Volodymyrs’ka street?

- Yes, these are our cars.

- Then why all the preparations have been done not on the territory of the base?

- Back then almost all personnel was moved to Volodumurs’ka 33 to strengthen the administrative building of SBU.

- The author of the article claims that this is February 20.

- It is hard for me to tell what the author wanted to say with all that. He was recording from one of the buildings on Volodumurs’ka street.


- Are the radio talks, published on the internet, between your snipers?

- I’ll be honest with you – I do not use internet. I was told that there are some recording but I haven’t heard them.

- There is your code name there.

- I was not on the cabinet of ministers building. 100 men had been sent there, including snipers.

Ukraine: Security services 'infiltrated protest groups'

Ukraine's security services infiltrated anti-government protest groups and plotted to provoke conflict between demonstrators ahead of the ousting of President Viktor Yanukovych, according to documents published on the Ukrayinska Pravda website.

The papers, made public by opposition MP Henadiy Moskal, claim secret agents were instructed to discredit opposition protesters by faking attacks on Kiev's residents and by instigating robberies.


Here are 10 key extracts, with analysis from BBC Ukraine analyst Olexiy Solohubenko:

1. 'Imitate fires'

TRANSLATION: Imitate a fire using simulated pyrotechnic devices (smoke bombs) in tents, the Kiev city state administration, the Trade Unions Building and Zhovtnevyy Palace in a violation of fire safety rules.

ANALYSIS: There were many reports of fires, either in tents or in adjacent buildings, resulting in a major fire at the Trade Unions House - the HQ of the protestors.


8/9. 'Create grounds for anti-terror op'

TRANSLATION: With the purpose of rendering impossible the continuation of the protest in central Kiev, put into practice the plan for creating grounds for the anti-terrorist operation Boomerang under the pretext of the prevention of terrorist offences.

TRANSLATION: Ensure that weapons, explosive substances and also objects resembling improvised explosive devices and ammunition are found during searches of the buildings, facilities and tents, and that the aforementioned facts are covered by the media.

ANALYSIS: Boomerang was the code name of the operation that included snipers, which resulted in multiple deaths in Kiev. Obviously the SBU [security service] knew about the plan and there were repeated reports about weapons allegedly stored in large number among the protestors. In one case, explosives were handed over to two young men in the protestors' HQ. They were badly injured when they opened the packet. While there were reports of firearms used by the protestors on 22 February, none of those killed by the snipers appeared to be carrying any guns.

Nazadnje urejeno:


10. maj 2014
Letalo je bilo že v angleškem, ne mednarodnem zračnem prostoru, letelo je proti Londonu in se ni odzivalo na pozive kontrole letenja.


YUGOslovanski mehanik Dmitri Mendeleev
23. jul 2008


6. sep 2007
Se bom odzval v Darjanovem stilu:

Jebemo Pac_Man
Začnem brat tvoj citat, pol pa se spomnim in pogledam od kod si linkal novico in itak BBC&Co oz. še "boljše", LoL...

Dodatno pojasnilo: BBC & CNN zadeve so identične RTju, so PR trobila in jih je treba jemati z rezervo, nič ni pa narobe da vse objavljeno prebereš/pregledaš in s tem dopolnjuješ lastno mnenje.


13. sep 2007
Dobro no, ampak RT je direktno ruski medij, rusija pa je vojaško sodelovala pri netenju nemirov @ vzhodu ukrajine. Čeprav je sprva to zanikala preko istih medijev, katere sedaj hvalite.

CNN & BCC sta medija, ki izhajata iz držav, ki niso bile vojaško prisotne na vzhodu ukrajine. Poleg tega pa prihajata iz t.i. "zahodnega razvitega sveta", katerega del smo tudi mi.

Ne razumem, če vam ta "naš svet" ni všeč, zakaj ostajate tu in pač ne greste drugam, če je "naš svet" pokvarjen, laže, etc...rusija pa obljubljena dežela, spakirat kufre pa gremo, al v čem je finta, ste neke vrste hinavci al kaj?


10. maj 2014
Linkal sem ti video kjer se lepo vidi Berkutov ostrostrelec na terenu in več Berkutovcev med streljanjem s kalašnikovkami.
Imaš tudi posnetek komunikacij 20. februarja, ko je bilo največ ustreljenih. 35, 36 in plus, minus morajo bit neke kode.

Brez BBC-jev in blogovskih interpretacij.


6. sep 2007
Ja, sem neke sorte hinavec. Mislim kakšne se to strelja po alterju no, zdej če se ne strinjam s zahrbtno zahodno politiko pa najbolje da se kar izselim, fak kere izjave

In LOL, RT je ruski medij, ki je vpletena v krizo, BBC&CNN sta pa bolj objektivna zato, ker njuni državi nista vpleteni

BBC & CNN sta ravno toliko če ne še bolj propagandno trobilo, ki bolj služi politiki kot pa ljudstvu in se posledično na njiju enako kot na RT bolj kot ne poščijem. (podvprašanje - kdo je izumil in v nulo izpilil medijsko manipulacijo ljudi? Zihr Rusija a ne, v ZDA in EU so pa sami pravi neodvisni mediji a ne?)

Darjan, zate prav zares že ne vem več ali to podjebavaš ali dejansko tako razmišljaš kot pišeš. Od kje ti ideje kot "Rusija je obljubljena dežela" in podobno. In ja, naš svet JE pokvarjen, prav tako je pokvarjen tudi kakšen drug. To pa zato, ker v vseh teh svetovih deluje človek, ki zna biti zavoljo lastne moči, vpliva in bogastvaše prekleto pokvarjen in to ne glede na to, ali izjaha iz superiornih ZDA, vritolezočih EU držav ali pa iz silne Rusije, ki v bistvu bojda nima za burek.

Alter, vsaka ti čast


10. maj 2014
Če bi pogledal BBCjev video, novinar pove, da je v oknu hotela videl strelca, ki je imel zeleno čelado, kot protestniki.


11. okt 2007
Dejte bit naivni. Ostrostrelce imata obe strani.

Snajperji so praksa vseh drzavnih udarov organiziranih s strani CIA, kjer USA pleni. Taktika pa je streljanje obeh strani in tako ustvarjat vsesplosni kaos.

Nima smisla tle pinkponk spilat, kdo laze in kdo ne. Vprasanje tle ni kdo vec laze in kdo ima bolj prav, keč je v tem da ima vsaka medalja dve plati in pateticno bi bilo imet samo eno odkrito...


10. maj 2014
TIME:Russians Re-write History to Slur Ukraine Over War

Vladimir Putin has turned the idea of fascism into a political tool, and now Russian historians are adapting to the Kremlin line

The trio of German historians, as well as a handful of their colleagues from Eastern Europe, flew into Moscow last week for what they thought would be a conference on the history of Nazi war crimes. It was the fifth in a series of international summits held every other year since 2006, first in Berlin and Cologne, then in Slovakia and Belarus, to keep alive the memory of the towns and villages destroyed during World War II.


Even without the simultaneous translations provided for the foreign guests, they would have gotten the political message. The photographs shown by several of the Russian speakers put the atrocities of the Nazi SS right alongside pictures from the current war in eastern Ukraine. There is not much difference, the Russian historians suggested, between the actions of the Ukrainian military in its war against separatist rebels and the atrocities that Hitler’s forces committed during World War II.


This rhetoric—calling it an argument would overstate its relation to facts—has recently come into vogue among Russian historians. Under their interpretation of history, the struggle that began with the German invasion of the Soviet Union in 1941 continues for Russia today, in a direct line through the generations, with the conflict in Ukraine. That is the connection President Vladimir Putin first presented to the Russian people in March, when he sent his troops to invade and annex the Ukrainian region of Crimea. The Russian-speaking residents of that peninsula, he said in a speech on the day of the annexation, need Russia’s protection from Ukraine’s new leaders, whom he referred to as “neo-Nazis and anti-Semites.”


Practically every arm of the Russian state, from the education system to the national police, has since taken up this message. The state media have consistently painted Ukrainian authorities as “fascists” in the service of the U.S. government. In late September, Russia’s main investigative body even opened a criminal probe accusing Ukraine’s leaders of committing “genocide” against ethnic Russians in eastern Ukraine.


“Nazism is again coming to us from Europe,” says Mikhail Myagkov, one of Russia’s leading historians of the Second World War and a professor of history at the prestigious Moscow State Institute of International Relations, where most of Russia’s top diplomats are educated. “The bacilli of Nazism have not been destroyed. Unfortunately, they have infected, among other countries, our brotherly nation of Ukraine,” he told a press briefing on the eve of the conference at the museum on Poklonnaya Gora.


The following day, in one of its auditoriums, Russian historians took the stage one after the other to draw an explicit link between the Hitler’s Reich and today’s Ukraine. None of them mentioned Russia’s military support for the rebels in eastern Ukraine or the encouragement they got from Russia in rising up against the government in Kiev this spring. Nor did the speakers dwell on the fact that the far right is hardly the driving force of Ukrainian politics. The country’s new President Petro Poroshenko is a liberal Westernizer with no links to Ukrainian nationalist parties, and the supposed popularity of those parties in Ukraine was exposed this week as a Russian fabrication; in the parliamentary elections held on Oct. 26, they failed to win a single seat in the legislature. But from the speeches presented at the conference in Moscow, one would assume that Poroshenko and his allies are all just resurrected Nazis in disguise.


As these speeches were translated for the foreign delegates, including guests from the Czech Republic and Slovakia, their faces turned gradually from confusion to disgust. Joerg Morre, the director of Berlin’s Karlhorst Museum, which focuses on the history of the eastern front in World War II, began to fidget in his seat. “I mean, to show the photographs of the Second World War and then switch in the next slide to what’s happening in Ukraine,” Morre told me during a break in the conference, “No way is that right. Now way!” Borsche, the co-chairman, agreed with him: “It’s polemical!” he said.

As the conference drew to a close, the two of them decided to voice their objections. Morre, springing from his seat, took hold of the microphone and told the hall that he did not agree with the final declaration of the conference, which had been written by its Russian organizers.


After some noisy debate, the delegates agreed to put the matter to a vote. Practically all of the foreign participants raised their hands in favor of deleting the reference to a “revival” of European fascism. All of the Russian participants, including a large group of high school students who had been herded into the auditorium about 15 minutes earlier, had the clear majority in voting to leave the text of the declaration unchanged. So the hosts of the conference won out—a small but telling victory for the cause of Russian revisionism.

Pripeljat množico dijakov, da glasujejo o končni resoluciji konference o nacizmu, classy.



10. maj 2014
V drugih novicah:

Ruski marš je vendarle dobil dovoljenje v predmestju Moskve. V torek lahko pričakujete, da bom spamal s svežimi fotografijami ruskih nacijev.

Po 99.67% preštetih glasovnic je Svoboda zagotovo izven rade, so pod pragom 5% (4.71%). Na teh parlamentarnih volitvah vanj ni vstopila NITI ENA skrajno desna stranka.

Vseeno bodo v radi štirje skrajni desničarji (od 450 predstavnikov), ki so bili izvoljeni neposredno.

Dmytro Radosh, vodja desnega sektorja, je bil izvoljen v Dnipropetrovsku, na vzhodu Ukrajine.
En predstavnik Svobode je bil izvoljen v Poltavi (prav tako vzhod) in dva v Kijevu.

V radi bo tako celih 0.889% skrajnih desničarjev.

Kdo je naci?


10. maj 2014
Vili dveh plinskih oligarhov iz državnega podjetja:

Revealed: The Palaces Of Ukraine's Energy Oligarchs

V videu nastopi tudi generalni tožilec Yarema, ki je bil razen dveh let na železnici, ves čas zaposlen v policiji ali pravosodju.

To je njegov dom:

Gnoj povsod. Kdor je pozabil - Ukrajina ima BDP/prebivalca na nivoju Kosova. Približevanje EU jim obljublja, da se bo tovrstna korupcija morala končat in bodo končno lahko normalno zaživeli.


Osebje foruma
18. sep 2007
Uporabnik Ytbnd pravi:
Overall, Nato said it had intercepted Russian aircraft more than 100 times so far this year - three times more than it did last year.
Če bil bil ti Ruski sosed, ki ni Kitajska, bi tudi tebe skrbelo.

Za razliko, ko je amerisko vohunsko letalo cez svedski zracni prostor kljub temu, da so jim svedi to prepovedali, rusi letijo v mednarodnem zracnem prostoru.


Osebje foruma
18. sep 2007
Uporabnik Pac_Man pravi:
Letalo je bilo že v angleškem, ne mednarodnem zračnem prostoru, letelo je proti Londonu in se ni odzivalo na pozive kontrole letenja.

Nisi rwzumel poante. Zahodni mediji so najprej zatrjevali, da je bilo to rusko letalo, potem pa so se popravili in rekli, da je bilo v rusiji izdelano letalo. V bistvu pa je bilo latvijsko letalo, bil pa je Antonov, ki je ukrajinske izdelave.
Razumes zdaj, kako vse pripisejo rusom, tudi nevidno podmornico, ce je treba.


Osebje foruma
18. sep 2007
Uporabnik darjan pravi:
Jebemo andy
Začnem brat tvoj citat, pol pa se spomnim in pogledam od kod si linka novico, in itak

RT ni nic bolj ali manj vladni medij, kot je BBC


10. maj 2014
A gremo še malo o uredniški/novinarski svobodi?