Nekatere šole dejansko imajo pse (ali vsa slino) za nečiste.
Ker pa nekateri ved(m)o, da je Mohamed več ali manj plonkal, je enostavno poiskati zakaj je temu tako. Ne boš verjel. Židje jih ravno ne marajo:
"Dogs are for the most part portrayed negatively in the Bible. Deuteronomy appears to equate dogs and prostitution, ruling in
Deuteronomy 23:19 that if one of these is used to pay for an animal — say, if one offered a dog or sex in exchange for a goat — that purchased animal cannot be brought to the temple as a sacrifice. The
Book of Kings includes several references to dogs feeding on corpses. And in the
Psalms, dogs are described as beasts that maul at human beings."
"The negative attitude toward dogs persists in the Talmud , which frequently regards dogs as dangerous animals. Though the Talmud
in Baba Kama states that it is permissible to keep certain kinds of dogs that are useful for preventing infestations of vermin, it also states that dogs must be kept chained and that those who “raise” (the Hebrew word used here is the same as the one used for rearing children) dogs are cursed."
Ampak tako kot pri muslimanih, seveda tudi Judi spreminjajo (moderne šole

) svoj pogled na pse.
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