Uporabnik sajkek pravi:
ne , je pa spet en od dodatnih dokazov.
Uporabnik Pac_Man pravi:
Ne, samo razne su-25, mig-29, CIA bombe izpadejo še bolj butasto.
“When we got the phone call from a press officer of the separatists, he said first: “We shot down a military plane, from Ukraine and for me it was like he was giving us an information to cover this. And when we were underway, and after 15 minutes, I got a call from friends, from a journalist, I don’t remember, and he said: ‘They shot down a civilian plane in Ukraine. Where are you?’ And I asked: ‘Are your sure it’s civilian?’ And he said: ‘Yeah, yeah, we have the confirmation.’ He said: ‘Malaysian Airlines plane with two hundred people on board.’”
Recently Billy Six released new early footage, that was probably made by the aforementioned father and his daugter as well, since there’s mention of a grandmother somewhere.
In the first second of this video a man is heard saying “Спасибо Путину” (“Thanks to Putin”. Next the same voice says: “Call the fire service”. A woman’s voice says: “Phones don’t work, no electricity.” A female voice remarks: “Thank God, it landed over there”.
Uporabnik Pac_Man pravi:
Ker logične enote bukovih radarjev niso tipični poljedelski pridelki v Donbasu.
"Yesli eto deystvitel'no passazhirskiy layner, to eto sdelali ne my", — zaveril Boroday. Po yego informatsii, upavshiy v Toreze samolet gorazdo men'she, chem Boeing. Krome togo, napomnil prem'yer, Kiyev zakryl nebo nad DNR i LNR dlya poletov grazhdanskikh sudov.
"If this is a passenger liner, it did not us", - assured Boroday. According to him, the aircraft crashed in Torez much smaller than Boeing. In addition, the Prime Minister recalled, Kiev closed the sky over the DNR and LNR to civil courts.
2. Strengthening of the air defense of the LPR, which allowed to lower the importance of enemy aviation significantly. The destruction of the radar station in April-May wasn't in vain. The appearance of a combat-ready "Buk" is a significant aid. The operational Su-25 is for now a cherry on a pie, but also not unnecessary.
The Russian Defence Ministry Presents Evidence They Faked Their Previous MH17 Evidence
On July 21st 2014 the Russian Defence Ministry produced the following graphic, claiming the following: “Besides it, Russian system of air control detected the Ukrainian Air Force aircraft, purposed Su-25, moving upwards toward to the Malaysian Boeing-777. The distance between aircrafts was 3-5 kilometers.”
In today’s press conference the story had changed completely. No longer was the Russian Defence Ministry talking about SU-25s, but now there was in fact no other aircraft, or any other object close to MH17. Now we have the Russian Defence Ministry themselves confirming Bellingcat’s earlier work that demonstrated they had produced false evidence at their July 21st 2014 MH17 press conference.
In addition to this, during today’s press conference the radar data showed the flight path of MH17 in the time before it was shot down:
This flight path clearly contradicts the Russian Defence Ministry’s July 21st 2014 claims, debunked by Bellingcat and others, that MH17 had made a significant course change shortly before being shot down:
That dull thudding noise you're hearing is the @mod_russia slapping their dick in your face and hoping you don't notice #MH17
An international criminal investigation into the shooting down of flight MH17 is likely to conclude that the plane was downed by a Buk missile fired from separatist-controlled territory in eastern Ukraine, diplomats say.
According to diplomatic sources, international investigators will give a precise Google location showing that the Buk was located in separatist-controlled territory, near the village of Snizhne.
The JIT has been working on the scenario that the Buk came from the Kremlin’s 53rd anti-aircraft missile brigade based in the Russian city of Kursk.
After arriving in Snizhne on the afternoon of 17 July, the Buk was offloaded and driven to a field south of town, investigators believe. It shot down MH17 in error, believing it to be a Ukrainian army transport plane. The Buk was smuggled back across the Russian border early the next day.
The JIT’s findings are based on US satellite data, and multiple sightings of the Buk as it trundled through rebel-held areas.
“There is a wide presumption in diplomatic circles that this report will point to the involvement of pro-Russian rebels or Russia,” said Robert van de Roer, a Dutch diplomatic expert and commentator. “It will cause high waves.”
“Instead of [working together], international investigators suspended Moscow from comprehensive participation in the investigative process, allowing our efforts only a minor role. It sounds like a bad joke, but at the same time they made Ukraine a full member of the JIT [Joint Investigation Team], giving it the opportunity to forge evidence and turn the case to its advantage,” Zakharova added.