On Monday we'll be solving one of the long standing #MH17 mysteries/conspiracy theories.
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Russian Air Defense Officer Got a St. George’s Cross IV Degree: Was It for MH17 or Ukrainian Su-25 and An-26?
Name: Konstantin Mishkin.
Rank: senior lieutenant.
Birthdate: June 13, 1988.
Residence: Kursk, Russia.
Serviceman’s collar insignia show his belonging to the air defense forces. Place of residence and the type of troops point us at the 53rd air defense brigade of the Russian Federation’s armed forces, which is also mentioned in the investigation team’s reports about MH17 crash.
One of the pictures from his album shows a medal – Cross of St. George of IV Degree. This is a pretty valuable award of the Russian Federation. And a person can get it only gradually – from the lowest degree to the highest one.
It is noteworthy that this award is missing in the photos from the prom. But it appears in the pictures from the wedding which took place on October 10, 2015. It is obvious that the officer was awarded somewhen in between 2011-2015.
The current investigation was already published on the private Facebook page of our OSINT-expert Mikhail Kuznetsov on January 4, 2016, in order to check up the reaction of the Russian side. Despite the fact that the article had no wide media coverage, a couple of hours after the publication we noticed some urgent cleanup of the mentioned serviceman’s data and account. Later the account was restored with updated pictures. The photos with the medals were deleted and this can be an indirect confirmation of our hypothesis that Konstantin indeed participated in special operations in the war in Donbas.
Following the publication, the volunteers of InformNapalm were addressed by the Bellingcat journalist group with a request to hide the information gathered by us. The reason for this request was that they were going to publish their own report on MH17 crash. Taking into account that the information about the officer’s awards is now available only in the archives we’ve made and FSB has finished Konstantin Mishkin‘s photo album cleanup, we decided that there is no sense in deleting the found data. The gathered information will be investigated in detail and disseminated in the media in order to identify additional indicia of war crimes of the Russian armed forces in the Donbas. The Russian secret services by their panic actions provided us with additional facts and affirmed the proverb saying ‘liar, liar pants on fire’. Setting ‘pants’ of the Russian servicemen on fire, InformNapalm ensures the inevitability of punishment.
Following the fall of the Soviet Union in 1991, the Cross of St George was reinstated by Decision of the Supreme Soviet of the Russian Federation № 2557-I of March 20, 1992.
The Cross of Saint George is awarded to soldiers, sailors, sergeants, petty officers, warrant officers and junior officers for deeds and distinction in battle in defence of the Fatherland, as well as for deeds and distinction in battle on the territory of other states while maintaining or restoring international peace and security with recognized instances of courage, dedication and military skill. Awarded sequentially in four classes from the fourth to the first for subsequent acts of courage.
The first post reinstatement award ceremony took place in August 2008 to soldiers who displayed courage and heroism during the armed conflict in South Ossetia.
Australia, Belgium, Malaysia, Ukraine and the Netherlands have expressed their agreement to continue the JIT this year. This is an agreement for the extension of the JIT.
From November 22 to December 10, 2015 there has been a forensic expert meeting in the Netherlands, to which experts have participated from the countries of the JIT. This study was carried out on a number of specific parts, which were found on the crash site, and which might possibly have been the weapon used.
In the meantime, the criminal technical investigation has continued. The final results are expected in the second half of this year. That should provide conclusive evidence that is obtained in accordance with the prescribed procedures and can stand before a judge.
Neobstoj videoposnetkov ne pomeni neobstoja fotografij.Citat:
To the extent that the JIT has been able to ascertain, there are no video or film footage available from launch or trajectory of the missile.
Verjetno posnetek požganega polja.Citat:
There are also satellite data on the situation on the ground. To date the JIT has no satellite images of the launch of the missile. Because of clouds usable images are not available from the firing location at the time of day when the MH17 was shot down. However, there are images available just before and after July 17, 2014 that contribute to the investigation.
The US authorities have data generated by their own security forces, which could potentially provide information on a rocket trajectory. These data have been confidentially shared with the Dutch Military Intelligence and Security Service (DISS). DISS and OM are now investigating in what form the US state secret information can be used in the criminal investigation and what will be provided in a so-called official report to the Public Prosecution. That official report can be used as evidence by the JIT.
Raw primary radar data and US secret information are only two sources of information to determine the launch site. There’s more. For example, the JIT collects evidence from intercepted phone calls, location data with some phones, images, witness statements and technical calculations of the rocket track.
In this respect, the JIT makes greater depth with respect to the investigation of the OVV. On the basis of these other sources, the JIT is gaining clarity on the exact launch location. An answer is expected for the second half of this year.
For the investigation into the perpetrators telecom data, witness statements and Internet resources are important. With that aim more than five billion web pages and more than half a million images, audio and video files have been examined.
On December 26, 2015 Bellingcat has submitted a draft report to the JIT. The report has been gathered using social media and other public Internet sources, include information about members of a Russian military unit with, according to Bellingcat, a possible BUK-missile system in Ukraine. Many sources which Bellingcat relies on were known to the JIT. In addition, the research team still has more and other information on this subject, which is not mentioned by Bellingcat. Insofar as Bellingcat has offered new sources, they are examined and assessed for suitability for the criminal investigation.
V krepkem je zanimiva struktura. "Podatkov nimamo pa tudi, če jih imamo, vam ne moremo povedat".Citat:
For the second half of this year, the JIT expects to provide criminal evidence on what type of weapon and from where the MH17 was shot. JIT undertakes to inform you of these. In the same period the JIT also expects to gain more insight into possible perpetrators. At what time their exact involvement took place, the establishment of their identity and their current whereabouts cannot be specified yet. But even if the JIT has collected such information, there may be a reason we are not yet ready to share with you, to ensure that the evidence or suspects do not disappear.
Segodnya otkatali 9K37M1 (nu chto tipa ne znayet eto «Buk-M1»voobshche veshch' poymali 4 tseli v raznykh mestakh poymannyye ot 3400 - 6200 m. V obshchem u nas vse klassno, ukropov dal'she prodolzhayem koshmarit'.
Opolcheniye Fotos
Today skated 9K37M1 (well, that does not know the type of a "Buk-M1") did the thing caught 4 goals in different places captured from 3400 -. 6200 m In general, we all cool, dill on continuing nightmare.
# ANNA_news_Novorossiya
Militia Property
#BREAKING, but unconfirmed: #Ukraine captured the key Russian officer & separatist leader Bezler, who's responsible to downing #MH17.
Capturing of Bezler is true. Our sources don't lie. But it doesn't officially confirmed yet. Pause. "Under carpet" diplomacy is ongoing.
Early March 2016 Bezler claimed in a post on (social network) VK that he "always was and still am a supporter of a single sovereign federal Ukraine, but without Nazis and obsessive nationalism" and had never been a supporter of the recreation of New Russia.[21] He also stated that the Donetsk People's Republic had become a "Banana republic" with a stealing leadership.[21]
As my sources say, #Bezler #MH17 was captured 4-6 days ago during his naive trip to outskirts of #Ukraine-control. #Volnovakha settlement