In Ferdo ponovi :
And international media, which have amplified the idea that so-called farm murders are a major concern, has been oblivious to a key fact: last year, in a country where almost 20,000 people were slain, most of them black, there were only 62 farm murders, according to government statistics. (last year je 2018)
Naj bi bilo celo najnižje v zadnjih 20 letih. Da pa bi bilo še bolj zanimivo:
And not all of the victims are even white. In a town called Krugersdorp I investigated the recent killing of a man named Aron Mutavhatsindi. His alleged murder took place on a farm, but he was black—shot at range by a white security guard who saw him driving a tractor and decided that he was stealing it.
Da dodam povzetek, ker prvič očitno nisi razumel.
2018 je bilo ubitih 62 kmetov. Niso bili vsi beli.
V JAR je bilo istega leta ubitih 20.000 ljudi, večina črncev. Zakaj ne limas vseh ubojev . Lahko bi jih 50 na dan, ne pa enega na teden.
Pa še enkrat. Ne zagovarjam nobenega uboja, ne glede katere barve je bila žrtev in katere storilec.
Ampak trditev da v JAR množično pobijajo bele kmete je (na žalost zaradi števila vseh žrtev) manj točna, kot trditev, da v Sloveniji pobijajo policiste. Procentualno jih je v petih letih bilo ubitih bistveno več, kot belih kmetov v JAR.