Lepote multikulturnosti 4


YUGOslovanski mehanik Dmitri Mendeleev
23. jul 2008
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6. sep 2007

Še en vir za info o dogodku v kolikor za koga primarni vir ne bo OK - https://voiceofeurope.com/2019/11/germany-group-of-migrants-attack-village-disco-with-machetes/

"The owner of the disco party, Frank Seifert said that two of the migrants had “been banned two weeks ago because they had climbed over the fence. We have nothing against asylum seekers, but whoever does not behave cannot go in.”
In 2017, a disco in Saxony was forced to ban asylum seekers after migrants violently attacked one another, stole bags and wallets, and sexually harassed girls, Freiepresse reported."

Pa evo to jaz trobim non-stop: ne moreš pričakovati, da te bodo ljudje (radi) gledali med sabo v kolikor se ne znaš obnašat, nima melanin tu prav nobene veze.


6. sep 2007
A 53-year-old Swede who insulted a Muslim man for posting a video threat to “take over your fucking country” was hit with hate crime charges.

This is Sweden. Of course he was.

“We Arabs are here to take over your fucking country so go down on your fucking knees and suck my cock your Swedish little whore,” said the Arab man in an angry rant posted to Facebook.

The 53-year-old Swedish man responded on a Facebook group called ‘Political Facts’ with some strong words of his own.

“Disgusting arab crabs disappear from here,” he wrote.

The man was reported to police and called in for an interrogation at Kristianstad where he was asked about his views on immigration.

He was subsequently sentenced by Kristianstad’s district court for hate speech against a protected group and forced to pay SEK 22,200 (roughly $2,300 US dollars).

The court argued that the man’s comments were aimed at Arabs and not just at the individual.

The man appealed the decision to the High Court, but it was upheld, although his fine was reduced to SEK 16,200 in addition to another SEK 800 he was asked to pay to the Crime Victims Fund.

As we have previously highlighted, despite worsening problems with sexual assaults, grenade attacks and violent crime in migrant areas, Swedes who complain about the situation have found themselves dragged before the courts.

Last year, a 70-year-old woman was interrogated by police and later convicted for an anti-Muslim Facebook post in which she expressed fear that Islam was taking over the country.

Earlier that year, a 65-year-old woman who was previously the victim of a brutal beating by migrants was sentenced to prison for posting that “the IQ level in Sweden will fall as a result of immigration.”

In another case, a 32-year-old woman from Gothenburg was interrogated by police, had her DNA taken and was subsequently imprisoned for the “crime” of sharing a joke meme about Islam on Facebook.

In 2017, a 70-year-old Swedish woman was prosecuted for hate speech for saying she saw migrants setting fire to cars, something that happens all the time in Sweden.

What the actual fuck? Pa naj še kdo reče da wannabepravični levičarji ne zganjajo fašizma :obesise:


6. sep 2007
LoL na razlago v podporo poligamiji, kere fore no. Pa na avtobusih bi delili na moške in ženske, ja kaj pa vsi ostali spoli? :aplauz:


6. sep 2007
Ja, ja... še vedno jih 58% zgrešijo Italijani in še kak nemigrant. Koliko bi jih šele še bilo, če bi notranje ministrstvo vodil tisti skrajnodesnopopulistični minister.

40% populacija ki predstavlja koliko? Kakšen odstotek ljudi. Bizi je leta mislim da okol 2015, 2016 govoril da kaj pa je nekaj % migrant v populaciji saj ne morejo nobene škode naredit.


20. sep 2007
piagolo saj tudi 20% prometnih nesreč zagrešijo vinjeni/pirnjeni/šnopsnjeni vozniki in 80% trezni pa se nič ne spremeni.
vse je v očeh opazovalca in politične struje kateri se pripada

Izbrisan uporabnik #9334

Ko je v populaciji države 10% priseljencev, je nacionalnost in kultura za njo že vprašljiva.

Saj ni problem nacionalnost kot taka. Problem je kultura, ki jo prinesejo oz. se nočejo prilagodit. Kpl. vesolje gre v entropijo, to je naravni proces. Mi s svojo kulturo si pa gradimo primerno okolje za dostojno življenje. Zato se borimo proti entropiji, vsaj dokler smo živi.
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