Dva stavka iz istega članka:
"Italian Government Numbers Show 42% of Rapes are Carried Out by Migrants"
“The rapes were committed in 62.7% of cases by partners, in 3.6% by relatives and in 9.4% by friends,” reports Il Giornale.
sta me pritegnila, da sem šel pogledat, kaj pravzaprav v resnici piše.
Drugače je original tole:
"Le aggressioni perpetrate dagli stranieri in Italia sono in aumento. Secondo i dati del Viminale, 42 donne su 100 sono state violentate da immigrati. Le forme più gravi di violenza sono esercitate da partner, parenti o amici. Gli stupri sono stati commessi nel 62,7% dei casi da partner, nel 3,6% da parenti e nel 9,4% da amici. Anche le violenze fisiche (come gli schiaffi, i calci, i pugni e i morsi) sono per la maggior parte opera dei partner o ex. Gli sconosciuti sono autori soprattutto di molestie sessuali (76,8% fra tutte le violenze commesse da estranei). "
1. nasilnost imigrantov je v Italiji v porastu
2. 42 % žensk je že doživelo nasilno dejanje imigrantov
3. 75 % posilstev naredijo znanci, sorodniki, ki storijo večino najbolj nasilnih dejanj
4. Tudi večino fizičnega nasilja (focne, brce ugrizi) naredijo sedanji ali bivši partnerji
5. Tujci so v glavnem storilci spolnega nadlegovanja (76,8% vsega spolnega nadlegovanja naredijo tujci)
Naslov 42% posilstev izvršijo imigranti je navadna laž - ampak pritegne.
Zakaj nikoli nihče ne pogleda, kaj v resnici piše, ampak vsi komentirate "gotovo" dejstvo. 8888 izbira vire, ki so rasistični in širijo lažnjive novice, uperjene proti drugačnim.
To "novico" je sestavil tale:
Paul Joseph Watson (born May 24, 1982) is an English YouTube personality, radio host, writer and conspiracy theorist.He has been described as 'alt-right' and 'far-right' by multiple sources. Although as late as July 2016 he called himself alt-right, he no longer accepts that label and considers himself part of the 'New Right'.
Watson's career emerged through his work for conspiracy theorist and radio host Alex Jones. As editor-at-large of Jones' website InfoWars he helped promote fake news and advocated conspiracy theories such as the claim 9/11 was a government cover-up, the chemtrail conspiracy theory, and the New World Order. Subsequently reaching a significant audience, both Watson and Jones altered their focus. Presently their commentary is mainly focused on criticizing feminism, Islam, and left-wing politics. Watson also contributes to InfoWars's talk radio program The Alex Jones Show, where he occasionally either hosts or co-hosts. Watson has been working on InfoWars since October 2002.
Since 2011, Watson has hosted his own YouTube channel, prisonplanetlive, from which he expresses his views on topics such as contemporary society, politics, and modern liberalism in an often mocking manner. He describes his channel as "Culture, controversy, contrarianism" and often lampoons celebrities and politicians. As of February 2019, his channel has over 1.5 million subscribers.
In May 2019, Facebook barred Watson from using its Facebook and Instagram services
"Italian Government Numbers Show 42% of Rapes are Carried Out by Migrants"
“The rapes were committed in 62.7% of cases by partners, in 3.6% by relatives and in 9.4% by friends,” reports Il Giornale.
sta me pritegnila, da sem šel pogledat, kaj pravzaprav v resnici piše.
Drugače je original tole:
"Le aggressioni perpetrate dagli stranieri in Italia sono in aumento. Secondo i dati del Viminale, 42 donne su 100 sono state violentate da immigrati. Le forme più gravi di violenza sono esercitate da partner, parenti o amici. Gli stupri sono stati commessi nel 62,7% dei casi da partner, nel 3,6% da parenti e nel 9,4% da amici. Anche le violenze fisiche (come gli schiaffi, i calci, i pugni e i morsi) sono per la maggior parte opera dei partner o ex. Gli sconosciuti sono autori soprattutto di molestie sessuali (76,8% fra tutte le violenze commesse da estranei). "
1. nasilnost imigrantov je v Italiji v porastu
2. 42 % žensk je že doživelo nasilno dejanje imigrantov
3. 75 % posilstev naredijo znanci, sorodniki, ki storijo večino najbolj nasilnih dejanj
4. Tudi večino fizičnega nasilja (focne, brce ugrizi) naredijo sedanji ali bivši partnerji
5. Tujci so v glavnem storilci spolnega nadlegovanja (76,8% vsega spolnega nadlegovanja naredijo tujci)
Naslov 42% posilstev izvršijo imigranti je navadna laž - ampak pritegne.
Zakaj nikoli nihče ne pogleda, kaj v resnici piše, ampak vsi komentirate "gotovo" dejstvo. 8888 izbira vire, ki so rasistični in širijo lažnjive novice, uperjene proti drugačnim.
To "novico" je sestavil tale:
Paul Joseph Watson (born May 24, 1982) is an English YouTube personality, radio host, writer and conspiracy theorist.He has been described as 'alt-right' and 'far-right' by multiple sources. Although as late as July 2016 he called himself alt-right, he no longer accepts that label and considers himself part of the 'New Right'.
Watson's career emerged through his work for conspiracy theorist and radio host Alex Jones. As editor-at-large of Jones' website InfoWars he helped promote fake news and advocated conspiracy theories such as the claim 9/11 was a government cover-up, the chemtrail conspiracy theory, and the New World Order. Subsequently reaching a significant audience, both Watson and Jones altered their focus. Presently their commentary is mainly focused on criticizing feminism, Islam, and left-wing politics. Watson also contributes to InfoWars's talk radio program The Alex Jones Show, where he occasionally either hosts or co-hosts. Watson has been working on InfoWars since October 2002.
Since 2011, Watson has hosted his own YouTube channel, prisonplanetlive, from which he expresses his views on topics such as contemporary society, politics, and modern liberalism in an often mocking manner. He describes his channel as "Culture, controversy, contrarianism" and often lampoons celebrities and politicians. As of February 2019, his channel has over 1.5 million subscribers.
In May 2019, Facebook barred Watson from using its Facebook and Instagram services