Uporabnik Zorroslav pravi:
A se ni tudi pri "originalni" seriji turbo boost pojavu šele kasneje?
Drugače pa je serija dokaj vredu. Višek pa doseže ko se pojavi sam David Hasslehoff. Ah nostalgija.
Turbo boost se "pojavi" že v pilotu originalne serije.
KITT: If you're going through with this, may I suggest you permit me to activate the turbo boost?
Michael: The what?
KITT: Never mind. Allow me to demonstrate.
Dialogi med KITT-om in Michaelom so bili tudi fenomenalni kot recimo:
Michael: Look, KITT, I gotta get up to a roof about a hundred feet.
KITT: Very well. If you'll set the pressure adjustment for precisely 600 pounds, you should land quite gently.
Michael: That's it? I just set the pressure and the hit the button?
KITT: It would help if you also opened the auto roof.
Michael: Smart-aleck car.
ali pa:
Michael: (promising to find fuel for KITT) I'll find you some blood, Dracula.
KITT: A very inept analogy. Blood has almost no combustible qualities at all
Višek nostalgije je res, ko se na koncu pojavi "The Hoff" ob sinu...