Finding himself alone on a desert island when everything and everyone he knows and loved has been washed away in a huge storm, Mau is the last surviving member of his nation. He's also completely alone - or so he thinks until he finds the ghost girl.
It's Easter at Princeton. Seniors are scrambling to finish their theses. And two students, Tom Sullivan and Paul Harris, are a hair's breadth from solving the mysteries of the Hypnerotomachia Poliphili—a renowned text attributed to an Italian nobleman, a work that has baffled scholars since its publication in 1499.
Glavni junak Hugo je sirota, navijalec ur in tatič. Dolgo časa skrivnostno živi v zidovih živahne in prometne pariške železniške postaje, kjer lahko preživi le, če se skriva in ostaja neznan. A ko se njegov svet kakor kolesje prefinjenega mehanizma spoji s svetom čudaške deklice in zagrenjenega starca, ki na postaji prodaja igrače, so Hugojevo tajno življenje in skrivnosti ogrožene.