GjAk_v2.2_AriNe-41 = 800x480 -- > 1920x1080
NEW 26.10.2014
- Rewritten display panels on the "Menu" in the intro and in the status bar. If sys.txt have this record, then battery will not be visible.
- Rewritten button 2D-3D. If the "Map Settings" - "Custom Zoom" does not include a fixed zoom, then for a long tapas on the 2D-3D button switches the observation point on a circle card - "low" - "Accessories" - "high".
- In some places, trimmed keyboard.
- Fix the "delete waypoint"
- Rewritten split screen transparent buttons.
- Repairs.
NEW 26.10.2014
- Rewritten display panels on the "Menu" in the intro and in the status bar. If sys.txt have this record, then battery will not be visible.
- Rewritten button 2D-3D. If the "Map Settings" - "Custom Zoom" does not include a fixed zoom, then for a long tapas on the 2D-3D button switches the observation point on a circle card - "low" - "Accessories" - "high".
- In some places, trimmed keyboard.
- Fix the "delete waypoint"
- Rewritten split screen transparent buttons.
- Repairs.