GjAk_v2.2_AriNe-6 = 800x480 -- > 1920x1080
NEW 19.04.2014
1. Completely redesigned Travel radar signal (skin_off_sound). Wrote for example here.
a) If the sound settings (Sound - skin_off_sound) is included and is registered in the system , for example skin_off_sound = "speedcam_off", then sounds such as registered.
b) If the sound is not established , but in the settings enabled , then the standard sound sounds speedcam_off.wav.
c) If the sound is on , but the system in compliance . category spelled skin_off_sound = 0, then it does not sound .
- Now almost all registered this sound , so if it's settings (Sound - skin_off_sound) is enabled, it will sound after the passage of the radar. If someone sets from scratch and do not have these records , so if the sound is turned on in the settings , the sound will sound standard for all tipop radar. If someone wants to disable at least one radar, let prescribe in that category ([speedcam_category:??] Skin_off_sound = 0
- If the settings of the corresponding type of radar warning voice off, the signal on the drive that type of radar will not. Works with live voice acting, and TTS.
2 . Added a test signal for Travel radar. Tap on the icon - test long tap - get into the setup of this type of radar.
3 . Redone color battery charge %. The color changes depending on the battery - 0-20 % - red , 21 % -40 % - orange, 40 % -100 % - green.
4 . Redone color icons charge Bateria. Color battery varies depending on the battery - 0-20 % - red , 21 % -40 % - orange, 40 % -100 % - green.
5 . Added convertor . In the list the sys.txt :
show_converter = 1
6. Redone fuel consumption . Who looks good for all resolutions.
7. Repairs.
Maud skin over.
Support - only bug fixes .