Uporabnik lugi pravi:
Nokia Drive ne bos nasel na HTCju kljub temu da je blo receno da BO! Maps nima glasovnega vodenja.
Vprasanje kdaj bodo to uredili,.
Thank you for contacting HTC regarding your intrest to purchase the HTC Windows 8X.
My name is Polly and I am a Technical Support Agent for the HTC Written Team.
1. Maps are not installed on HTC WP8 as standard, you will need to install 3rd party application.
Voice directions – Would you like your directions read to you? You can install a navigation app from the Store (Market appl).
2. HTC doesn't provides Nokia GPS voice guidance app, unfortunately we haven't have any informations at the moment for future updates.
I hope I helped you with your enquiry and that you will decided to purchase HTC Win 8X.
Spet se obeta bruhanje, ko boste na nonNokia telefonih lahko ugibali, na katero državo nastaviti v osjuCitat:
Nokia Drive is the application that provides voice-guided turn-by-turn car navigation on Nokia smartphones and with Windows Phone 8 it’s also being made available to other manufacturers. Nokia Drive has been rewritten from the ground up specifically for Windows Phone 8, to leverage the power of this OS and offering new features.
We are currently testing it and a beta version will be made available very soon. On a Nokia smartphone like Nokia Lumia 920, you will find a tile on the start screen that will take you to the Windows Phone Store to download Nokia Drive Beta. Other manufacturers and Microsoft will decide in which countries and on which devices Nokia Drive will be offered to their customers.
Uporabnik Keki pravi:
Pri mobitelu imajo v decembru najavljenega HTC WP 8S in, če navigacija laufa "out of the box", brez kakršnih koli zajebancij, se zna zgodit, da bo to moj naslednji telefon....
Uporabnik PaviGFY pravi:
Uporabnik Keki pravi:
Pri mobitelu imajo v decembru najavljenega HTC WP 8S in, če navigacija laufa "out of the box", brez kakršnih koli zajebancij, se zna zgodit, da bo to moj naslednji telefon....
Kaj pa glede cene. Vsaj približno?
Decembra punci poteče pogodba (itak paket).....upam, da bo cena okoli 200, raje manj evrov.