Nikakor mi ne uspe usposobit bookmarkov iz desktop verzije opere v operi mobile.
Naredil sem takole
1) Export your FF or IE bookmarks to your PC (bookmarks.html)
2) Install Opera 9.xx on your PC
3) import the bookmarks.html file from step 1
4) make any changes you want in Opera, then close Opera
5) Go to C:\Documents and Settings\"USER NAME"\Application Data\Opera\Opera\profile
and find a file called Opera6.adr
6) Copy this file to your Touch HD into the following directory:
My Device\Windows\Opera9
It will replace the Opera6 file that is currently on your Touch HD, and you should now have those bookmarks in OperaMobile.
Samo bookmarkov pa ni in ni, zmeraj ko izklopim opero mobile, se vzpostavi nazaj prazna default datoteka Opera6.adr velika 63 bytov
Imam pa Duttys1.7 rom ne vem ali ima to kaj veze ali kaj delam narobe.
Naredil sem takole
1) Export your FF or IE bookmarks to your PC (bookmarks.html)
2) Install Opera 9.xx on your PC
3) import the bookmarks.html file from step 1
4) make any changes you want in Opera, then close Opera
5) Go to C:\Documents and Settings\"USER NAME"\Application Data\Opera\Opera\profile
and find a file called Opera6.adr
6) Copy this file to your Touch HD into the following directory:
My Device\Windows\Opera9
It will replace the Opera6 file that is currently on your Touch HD, and you should now have those bookmarks in OperaMobile.
Samo bookmarkov pa ni in ni, zmeraj ko izklopim opero mobile, se vzpostavi nazaj prazna default datoteka Opera6.adr velika 63 bytov
Imam pa Duttys1.7 rom ne vem ali ima to kaj veze ali kaj delam narobe.