Mah, ni tko simpl. Vsi so carji, dobesedno. Sam malenkosti so jebaEh, za sukat volan je še opica dovolj, tak da te debate nima smisla imet
The fastest driver in Formula 1 | Amazon Web Services
This blog post was co-authored, and includes an introduction, by Rob Smedley, Director of Data Systems at Formula 1 Formula 1 (F1) racing is the most complex sport in the world. It is the blended perfection of human and machine that create the winning formula. It is this blend that makes
Tukaj ni nobenih "če-jev", samo gola statistika in fakti (kot bi ti rekel). In statistika in fakti pravijo, da se motiš o GOAT-u. Tega ne trdim jaz, ne trdi zaseka, trdi darjan, ampak uradna, hardcore statistika.
Ti pa v vsakem stavku, ko nimaš več kaj pametnega za napisat in ko ti zmanjka dejstev, na plan potegneš povsem druge stvari in dokazuješ svojo pristranskost z vsako naklofano črko.
Čakaj kaj sma gledala isto dirko oz vikend?
2. ruknil je zid v uvoz v bokse, kdo drugi še?
Wolff sees spectacular Verstappen: 'Not good for the championship'
Lewis Hamilton hoped during the Russian Grand Prix to take a big lead in the world championship by Max Verstappen's engine change, but nothing was further from the truth. The Dutchman finished second and is only two points behind his
Se wolf pravi kako super je peljal max, in da so tu vec zgubili kot dobili
No, če že hočeš biti tako natančen, gre za statistiko rezultatov le iz kvalifikacij. To je pa daleč od "najboljši voznik" ali "najhitrejši voznik". Je le "najhitrejši voznik na kvalifikacijah".The fastest driver in Formula 1 | Amazon Web Services
This blog post was co-authored, and includes an introduction, by Rob Smedley, Director of Data Systems at Formula 1 Formula 1 (F1) racing is the most complex sport in the world. It is the blended perfection of human and machine that create the winning formula. It is this blend that makes
Tukaj ni nobenih "če-jev", samo gola statistika in fakti (kot bi ti rekel). In statistika in fakti pravijo, da se motiš o GOAT-u. Tega ne trdim jaz, ne trdi zaseka, trdi darjan, ampak uradna, hardcore statistika.