Nakup vozila iz tujine - plačilo prek eBaya?


21. okt 2008
Izola, Ljubljana
Sem. Škoda mi jo je bilo prodati, ampak tako je moralo bit. Morda enkrat ponovno na Mazdo


11. sep 2016
Pozdravljeni! Enako se dogaja meni, njegov odgovor:

I must tell you that, until a few weeks ago I was working in Germany like chemistry engineer and now my Company bring me back home in UK. Now I'm in Leeds, United Kingdom with my work but the car is in Eltham, near London, at my home in my garage. My first thought was to keep the car and register here in UK but I never thought it so hard to drive an European car with the steering wheel on the left side. Also to be able to register the car in the UK, it would cost me a fortune, so I decided to sell it.
We can end this deal in two ways:

1) I deliver the car to your home address (the cost for the delivery will be around 200 Euro) and you can test drive the car before you pay me.
2) You come in United Kingdom and take the car.
Now, if you have any others questions, please do not hesitate to contact me... and if you are really interested in my car I can give you my mobile phone number to speak more, but because are to many people interested I can answer to all the calls....only today I was called several tenfold and also I made the decision to take the announcement from because my inbox was full.
Not to forget, if you are a car dealer, please take my apologies but I will sell my car only to a nice family who really desires a car like mine.
With the hope that we have not kidnapped too much of your time, wish you a lovely day and I will wait your answer.
Best regards!

Ker sem takoj po prvem odgovoru dojel, da gre za prevaro hočem videti koliko daleč bo šel.Škoda, da ga ne morem nekako zvleči k meni domov da se pogovoriva med štirimi zidovi!
Uglavnm pazite se vsi, ljudje danes odlično živijo s prevarami.Njegov zadnji odgovor pred nekaj minutami:


I'm glad that you still wish to buy my car and thanks for your fast reply. As I told you from the beginning, I have a host of people ready to buy my car and I never thought that I will have a problem in choosing the buyer. People from different countries ask me to keep my car for them. Now I have to make a decision and see who will buy the car.
I have done some researching and the best way to close the deal is through eBay.
I'll start an auction on eBay and the payment will be sent to eBay Group.
The transaction fits the Vehicle Protection plan and will be covered by eBay. Vehicle Purchase Protection reimburses buyers who are involved in a vehicle transaction through their program. The program provides reimbursement for all the situations that can appear in a transaction.
After the payment is confirmed and secured by eBay I can come and deliver the car by my self.

So, the final price is 5800euro... 5600euro the car and 200euro my trip to you for finish the deal. I will explain you again how it works:

1- I will list the auction on eBay
2- I will send you the link so you can buy it.
3- After you'll hit the buy it now button you must pay to eBay in maximum 48 hours
4- After the payment is confirmed and secured by eBay I can come and deliver the car by my self on the next day.
5- Here you will find all the info about eBay:

In this way, both are safe. You will see and test the car before you will buy it, and me I will know for sure that I will not make a trip just for fun.
If you are agree with me then please let me know and I will list the car on eBay and send you the link so you can buy it .

If you wish to speak more details with me please feel free to call me on my mobile number : 0044/ 777 420 4528. I have only one request, never call later than 22:00 pm, as we have two little children
Please let me know your decision.

Thank you

Zanima me samo ali eBay krije take zadeve in vrne denar. Je pa res,da je vsote prevelika,da bi se igral na tak način sprašujem samo informativno ! Avto sem našel prek, oseba prodaja več avtomobilov to je stran kjer pokaže vsa njegova vozila:

Če se motim bom z veseljem sprejel kritiko!


21. jul 2007
Že sam link na točki 5 ( bi ti moral vse povedati

(to, da to ni uradna stran angleškega Ebaya, čeprav potem na strani vsi linki pametno vodijo na uradni


23. jul 2007
v lokalni ostariji