Domači pct vaci naciji že snujejo načrt, kako tole anti-vaxxerko spraviti ob položaj
USING the Covid-19 passport is not justified in the current epidemiological situation, views Minister of Justice Anna-Maja Henriksson (SFP). Henriksson on Monday reminded Helsingin Sanomat that the passport was designed as a mechanism to prevent the spread of the coronavirus during previous...
USING the Covid-19 passport is not justified in the current epidemiological situation, views Minister of Justice
Anna-Maja Henriksson (SFP).
Henriksson on Monday
reminded Helsingin Sanomat that the passport was designed as a mechanism to prevent the spread of the coronavirus during previous phases of the epidemic based on the assumption that the vaccinated were considerably more unlikely to contract the virus.
The law, she added, prescribes that all restrictions to the basic rights of people must be necessary and proportionate.
“The coronavirus passport limits the basic rights of those people who haven’t got vaccinated, obtained a negative test result or had the disease. The coronavirus or vaccination passport isn’t well suited for use in these circumstances because its necessity and proportionality is difficult to justify right now.”
The Finnish Institute for Health and Welfare (THL) on Friday similarly announced it is not in favour of either utilising the passport in its current form or converting it into a vaccination passport by making it unavailable to people who have tested negative for the virus.