Covid-19 Covid 19 Navodila vlade


3. sep 2007
Pravilno izbran citat dokaže karkoli
point is that cleaning indoor air can have a huge overall effect on public health in terms of reducing all respiratory diseases. Masks are still a key added layer of protection but no way around cleaning/filtering indoor air as essential step to protect all.



Osebje foruma
18. sep 2007
Pravilno izbran citat dokaže karkoli

point is that cleaning indoor air can have a huge overall effect on public health in terms of reducing all respiratory diseases. Masks are still a key added layer of protection but no way around cleaning/filtering indoor air as essential step to protect all.

Samo zate sem sel tole se enkrat iskati. Porocilo WHOja iz zacetka 2019, torej se pred Covidom:

Zacne se na strani 21, konca pa z:

In the studies of face mask use with or without hand hygiene, the pooled estimate of the risk
reduction against laboratory-confirmed influenza was 0.90 (95% CI: 0.75–1.12), which suggests
that additional randomized trials would be less likely to identify a substantial protective efficacy of
face masks. However, the majority of these studies were conducted in households in which at least
one person was infected, and exposure levels might be relatively higher. Additional studies of face
mask use in the general community would be valuable. While respirators should provide better
protection against respiratory infections compared to face masks because of their higher filtration
efficiency, a household randomized controlled study showed no difference in their effect on ILIs
and laboratory-confirmed influenza virus infection
(48). One issue is that respirators require fit
testing for optimal performance, but fit testing facilities are not widely available in the community.


18. feb 2022
Včeraj sem nekaj čakal v čakalnici bolnišnice, pa je zraven starejša gospa razlagala, kako so maske neučinkovite in da je sama tudi dobila kovid kljub maski. To je razlagala s kirurško masko, ki jo je imela potegnjeno pod nos. Enako kot velik del drugih v bolnišnici, vključno z receptorko na vhodu.