Primer za pct, bosterje, vse to so prvi uvedli v Izraeluzakaj sploh imamo svetovalno skupino, če samo kopirajo tujino, z zamikom (Izrael, ZDA, UK). pol pa se delajo pametne. denar dobivajo za nič dodane vrednosti. ta posel bi lahko opravljala tudi pismena opica. samo novice preberes in zvecer predlagas.
ter karanteno
Green pass: how are Covid vaccine passports working for Israel?
As hotels and gyms reopen in Israel, governments elsewhere are considering a similar certificate scheme – raising ethical concern

Green pass: how are Covid vaccine passports working for Israel?
As hotels and gyms reopen in Israel, governments elsewhere are considering a similar certificate scheme – raising ethical concern
Sun 28 Feb 2021 16.17 GMT
As the UK and other governments consider whether to give Covid-vaccinated people certificates that allow entry to bars, hotels, and swimming pools, one country, Israel, has already deployed its “green pass”.
Prvi booster (3 odmerek)

The message from Israel is clear: Covid booster shots should be standard | David O’Connor
A third dose of the vaccine provides significant protection, says pathology professor David O’Connor
Mon 27 Sep 2021 11.47 BST
A third dose of the vaccine provides significant protection, but that should not mean those who are unvaccinated go without
Drugi booster (4 odmerek)

Tens of thousands race for fourth COVID shot as Israeli campaign blazes ahead
A day after the PM announced a fresh booster dose would be made available to over-59s and medical staff, nearly 20,000 reportedly get vaccine, with nearly 100,000 more signing up

CDC skrajša karanteno na 5 dni

CDC shortens recommended Covid-19 isolation and quarantine time | CNN
The CDC shortened the recommended times that people should isolate when they've tested positive for Covid-19 from 10 days to five days if they don't have symptoms -- and if they wear a mask around others for at least five more days.