Če malo bolj preveriš imajo Avstrijci več ukrepov vse od 1 novembra naprej (vsaj na točkovanje).
School closures:
0 - No measures
1 - recommend closing
2 - Require closing (only some levels or categories, eg just high school, or just public schools)
3 - Require closing all levels
Workplace closures:
0 - No measures
1 - recommend closing (or work from home)
2 - require closing (or work from home) for some sectors or categories of workers
3 - require closing (or work from home) all but essential workplaces (eg grocery stores, doctors)
Cancel public events:
0- No measures
1 - Recommend cancelling
2 - Require cancelling
Restrictions on gatherings:
0 - No restrictions
1 - Restrictions on very large gatherings (the limit is above 1000 people)
2 - Restrictions on gatherings between 100-1000 people
3 - Restrictions on gatherings between 10-100 people
4 - Restrictions on gatherings of less than 10 people
Close public transport:
0 - No measures
1 - Recommend closing (or significantly reduce volume/route/means of transport available)
2 - Require closing (or prohibit most citizens from using it)
Public information campaigns:
0 -No COVID-19 public information campaign
1 - public officials urging caution about COVID-19
2 - coordinated public information campaign (e.g. across traditional and social media)
Stay at home:
0 - No measures
1 - recommend not leaving house
2 - require not leaving house with exceptions for daily exercise, grocery shopping, and ‘essential’ trips
3 - Require not leaving house with minimal exceptions (e.g. allowed to leave only once every few days, or only one
Restrictions on internal movement:
0 - No measures
1 - Recommend movement restriction
2 - Restrict movement
International travel controls:
0 - No measures
1 - Screening
2 - Quarantine arrivals from high-risk regions
3 - Ban on high-risk regions
4 - Total border closure
Testing policy
0 – No testing policy
1 – Only those who both (a) have symptoms AND (b) meet specific criteria (eg key workers, admitted to hospital, came into contact with a known case, returned from overseas)
2 – testing of anyone showing COVID-19 symptoms
3 – open public testing (eg “drive through” testing available to asymptomatic people)
Contract tracing
0 - No contact tracing
1 - Limited contact tracing - not done for all cases
2 - Comprehensive contact tracing - done for all cases
Face coverings
0- No policy
1- Recommended
2- Required in some specified shared/public spaces outside the home with other people present, or some situations when social distancing not possible
3- Required in all shared/public spaces outside the home with other people present or all situations when social distancing not possible
4- Required outside the home at all times regardless of location or presence of other people
Vaccination policy
0 - No availability
1 - Availability for ONE of following: key workers/ clinically vulnerable groups / elderly groups
2 - Availability for TWO of following: key workers/ clinically vulnerable groups / elderly groups
3 - Availability for ALL of following: key workers/ clinically vulnerable groups / elderly groups
4 - Availability for all three plus partial additional availability (select broad groups/ages)
5 - Universal availability
Če torej:
- ne omejiš delovnega procesa dobiš 0 od 3
- nimaš splošnega testiranja dobiš 2 od 3
- nimaš sledenja stikov 0 od 2
- nimaš univerzalnega cepljenja 3 od 5
mi tu dobimo 5 od 13, pa se mi ne zdi, da je to zaradi nadzora nad epidemijo. Ker tile 4 ukrepi v bistvu bolj so strogi, bolje je v boju proti širjenju epidemije in njih manjko je bistveno bolj slabo kot pa recimo prepoved javnega prometa sploh v povezavi s pšroso dovoljeno gospodarsko pobudo.
Mimogrede - maske smo imeli ša max število točk, čeprav je sedaj že kar znano dejstvo, da je na prostem bolj pomembna razdalja in čas druženja, kot maska.