Ob napovedi 90% zanesljivega cepiva vrednost delnic podjetja Zoom strmoglavila za 20%, delnice ladjarskih, hotelskih in letalskih podjetij pa v nebo.
Če iščeš iglo v senu, potem ja.Ali je to izvedljivo? Da bi se deset brisov združilo, testiralo in posamezne analiziralo samo v primeru, da bi bil rezultat pozitiven.
Pri 35 ciklu so skoraj vsi pozitivni (surprise).Nekdo me je spraseval koliko ciklov delajo v laboratoriju. Delajo max 35. Ce je test pozitiven po 35em ciklu je negativen.
V sloveniji imamo nove hitre teste- okoli 25% negativnih je napacnih, 100% pozitivnih je res pozitivnih. Trenutno se testiramo te hitre teste.
Evo malo svezih info.
Nevem nisem prevec spraseval prevec ni casa...Pri 35 ciklu so skoraj vsi pozitivni (surprise).
Se je število ciklov letos kaj spreminjalo ?
Pri malem inputu je je 33 Ct zgornja meja.
In ravno Gates je nekaj vložil BioNTech cepivo
BioNTech partners with Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation, scoring $55M equity investment; BeiGene brushes off short attack
→ Less than two months after German biotech BioNTech raised a herculean $325 million in an upsized round of financing — the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation have signed a ...endpts.com
Jew tube po 8 dnevih od objave na alterju izbrisal račun (in video).WHO o lockdown-u, kdaj/zakaj je ta potreben in kaj povzroča:
Sky News host Paul Murray says the World Health Organisation has reversed its position on lockdowns, which follows their reversal on masks, and their reversal on how deadly COVID was going to be.
“The World Health Organisation is often used by people as the ultimate body to justify some of the worst lockdowns and behaviours of this whole thing,” he said.
“I want to introduce you to a person from the World Health Organisation who says, guess what, lockdowns are a bad idea.
“This is a reversal of the position of the World Health Organisation. Which of course followed their reversal on mask, their reversal on how deadly this thing was going to be - their endless reversals.”
Mr Murray showed footage of a spokesman for the World Health Organisation who said, “we in the World Health Organisation do not advocate lockdowns as a primary means of control of this virus”.
“The only time we believe the lockdown is justified is to buy you time to reorganise, regroup, rebalance your resources, protect your health workers who are exhausted, but by and large, we’d rather not do it,” the spokesperson said.
“Look what’s happening to poverty levels – it seems we may well have a doubling of world poverty by next year.
“This is a terrible, ghastly global catastrophe.
“We really do appeal to all world leaders, stop using lockdown as your primary control method, develop better systems for doing it.”
Mr Murray said, "but what did the forty members of the press, who of course have let him get away with the ducking, the weaving, the bullshitting, for weeks and weeks and weeks, months and months and months -what did they celebrate? Of course, the major milestone of 100 press conferences in a row - like that is an achievement."
To je zelo zelo grda beseda !!! imamo "slovensko" : Klavzura ! (kot za nune v samostanu) ... te gredo tudi včasih kaj malega ven, kot mi v trgovino ali v sex-shop po novo "pocket_Vagina" ali "masturbo-Gel" za podmazat ali nekaj takegaLockdown ...
To je vse brezveze niti se s kom druzimo, niti kam hodimo, sole zaprte, vse zaprto, maske nonstop na obrazih... nic ne pomaga. Tko k sm reku, vse tole je brezveze. Da se 2000 ljudi na dan okuzi? Kje le???V torek je bilo ob 7.515 testih okužba z novim koronavirusom potrjena pri 2.217 ljudeh. Delež pozitivnih je bil 29,50 %.
Gremo nazaj proti rekordom?
Lahko povem za glavno MB točko - ves čas je tekoč promet avtov, za vsakega rabijo cca 5 minut, zdaj pa računaj. Naročajo na minute.