Chat policije iz ottawe:Hvala za update o stanju v Kanadi, vzeto na znanje. Enako pa upam, da si ti (pa še kdo drug, npr. andy) vzel na znanje, da je twitt, ki ga je andy nalepil v megavelikosti na tablo čez polovico strani popoln fake-news z načrtnim vzpodbujanjem sovraštva. Da ti to na tablo nalepi moderator je izjemno prizadeto in popolnoma nesprejemljivo ampak ja, takle mamo.
In the chat, RCMP Musical Ride member, Andrew Nixon sends a picture of a pint of beer hoping for his chance to abuse protesters:
Member Robin Thibault remarks about accommodations police are being given in Ottawa:“Don't kick all of them out until next weeks group gets our turn”
Nixon jokes about police brutality:“Nice Downtown in Chateau Laurier"
After being admonished for his remarks, Nixon mocks the protesters:“Time for the protesters to hear our jackboots on the ground”
A member named Marca laughs off the prior night trampling of two demonstrators, one of which had a mobility scooter.“okay we can give out free hugs and unicorn stickers”
“"just watched the horse video - that is awesome”
“we should practice that manoeuvre”