Ce mislite, da bomo na semaforju ECDC-ja(Evropski center za preprečevanje in obvladovanje bolezni) poleti pozeleneli, se motite. Geniji z ECDC-ja so izmislili magicno formulo, kjer poleg incidence upostevajo tudi precepljenost drzave. Bomo kronicno rdeci in pod omejitvam?
This interactive dashboard provides a weekly integrated epidemiological summary for influenza, RSV and SARS-CoV-2.
Poglej priponko 52633
Formula for the indicator:
Weighted rate = (C+C*(100-V)/100)/2
Where C is the 14-day case notification rate in the specific region and V is the vaccine uptake in the region
Colour coding and thresholds:
- Green, if the weighted rate is less than 40;
- Orange, if the weighted rate is less than 100 but 40 or more;
- Red, if the weighted rate is less than 300 but 100 or more;
- Dark red, if the weighted rate is 300 or more;
- Dark grey, if the testing rate is 600 or less;
- Grey, if insufficient data is available.
Maja 2021
Dear Jacob, this map shows not only the number of cases. It is a combined indicator:
- 14-day notification rate,
- testing rate
- test positivity
Hitri izračun pokaže, da gre v zeleno po zgornji formuli šele recimo pri 14 dnevni incidenci C (72) in in V (89).
Ali recimo C (55) in V (57).
Trenutno je C 9247,6 .
Pri V (99) mora biti incidenca C (79).