Covid-19 Cepiva


7. jun 2017
... in sponzor tega reporta je ... Krka Novo mesto .... /s Off ...
Ni primerno za najstnike in mlajše : ni podatkov ! (... We do not know anything about long term consequences...)


16. avg 2007
Ja verjetno če se mlajsih od 16 let ni testiralo je težko govorit o primernosti za to starostno skupino.
19. jul 2007

Povzetek: Pri dveh osebah, ki imata zgodovino alergijskih težav (tako hudih, da imata s sabo injekcije adrenalina za takojšnje zdravljanje anafilaktičnega šoka) so je pojavila alergična reakcija po cepljenju v UK.

Spodaj originalen članek.

Britain warns against Pfizer vaccine for people with history of ‘significant’ allergic reactions

LONDON — After two health-care workers reacted adversely to the first dose of the new Pfizer-BioNTech coronavirus vaccine, British regulators on Wednesday ordered hospitals not to give the shots to people who have a history of "significant" allergic reactions.
The temporary guidance comes just a day after Britain launched the first mass coronavirus immunization campaign in the West, with the aim of vaccinating the whole country against the virus.
Two staffers with Britain’s National Health Service manifested symptoms of “anaphylactoid reaction” after receiving the vaccinations at a hospital Tuesday.
NHS officials said both workers have a history of serious allergies and carry epinephrine injectors — often called EpiPens — for the emergency treatment of acute reactions, which can include rashes, low blood pressure, constricted airways and dizziness or fainting.
As is common with new vaccines, Britain’s Medicines and Healthcare Products Regulatory Agency (MHRA) has “advised on a precautionary basis that people with a significant history of allergic reactions do not receive this vaccination, after two people with a history of significant allergic reactions responded adversely yesterday,” Powis said.
Health officials in Britain quickly sought to calm nerves by noting that the nurses and pharmacists who give vaccines are prepared to deal with allergic reactions and that such reactions are rare.
Typically, even for flu shots, people with a history of allergic reactions are urged to consult with their doctors before getting any vaccine.
Still, there were concerns that the “vaccine hesitant” and those opposed to vaccines in general could focus on the negative news, undermining efforts to combat the pandemic.
The two-shot Pfizer vaccine appears to be on the cusp of regulatory clearance in the United States, after a 53-page review published Tuesday by the Food and Drug Administration confirmed that the vaccine meets the standard for emergency-use authorization. The federal government has ordered 100 million doses, which can start being delivered as soon as regulators give the go-ahead.
A spokeswoman for Pfizer said the pharmaceutical giant, which developed the vaccine with the German firm BioNTech, were advised by British regulators of two “yellow card reports” associated with allergic reactions to the vaccine. Yellow cards are issued in Britain when drugs or vaccines cause side effects, which must be reported.
“As a precautionary measure, the MHRA has issued temporary guidance to the NHS while it conducts an investigation in order to fully understand each case and its causes. Pfizer and BioNTech are supporting the MHRA in the investigation,” the drug company said.
On the first day of the rollout in Britain, “several thousand” people received injections at 50 hospitals in England, with shots offered in Wales, Scotland and Northern Ireland, as well. Britain hopes to inoculate as many as 2 million people by the end of the year.
The NHS is prioritizing those age 80 and older, alongside workers in nursing homes, for the first shots. If doses are left over at the end of the day, front-line medical workers at hospitals are being invited to receive a dose, too.
In remarks to journalists distributed via Britain’s Science Media Center, Stephen Evans, a professor of pharmacoepidemiology at the London School of Hygiene & Tropical Medicine, said: “Allergic reaction occurs with quite a number of vaccines, and perhaps even more frequently with drugs. So it is not unexpected.”
Evans said the Pfizer data showed that about 0.6 percent of people had some form of allergic reaction to the vaccine in the clinical trials (although 0.5 percent also had a reaction to the placebo).
So there was a genuine excess of allergic reaction, but it was small and the true rate is not known, he said, adding that there is a lot of uncertainty around that estimate.
The FDA found slightly more adverse events “potentially representing allergic reactions” in its review of the Pfizer data. There were 137 “hypersensitivity-related” reactions to the vaccine, compared with 111 such events in the placebo group.
In a briefing with reporters Wednesday, Moncef Slaoui, science adviser for the White House’s Operation Warp Speed task force, said he assumes the FDA will consider possible allergic side effects in its review of the Pfizer vaccine. “Subjects with known severe allergic reactions should not take the vaccine until we understand exactly what happened here,” Slaoui said.
Evans said “what would be wise,” as British regulators advised Wednesday, “would be for anyone who has known severe allergic reaction, such that they need to carry an EpiPen, to delay having a vaccination until the reason for the allergic reaction has been clarified.”
Adam Finn, a professor of pediatrics at the University of Bristol, added via the Science Media Center: “Severe allergic reactions to vaccines are unusual but staff administering vaccines are always trained and equipped to deal with them in the event they occur.
“The report of occurrence of two reactions. . . will heighten awareness of this possibility among immunising teams and sensible precautions to avoid exposure of those who have had previous severe allergic reactions are being proposed while more experience of using this new vaccine accumulates.”

Pri hudih alergijskih reakcijah z anafilaktičnim šokom uporabljamo adrenalin. Zdravilo dajemo v obliki injekcij v mišico ali v žilo. Ljudem, ki so že imeli hudo alergijsko reakcijo, npr. po piku žuželke, lahko zdravnik predpiše adrenalin v obliki injektorja in si ga ob prvih znakih hude alergijske reakcije vbrizgajo sami.


21. nov 2007
Vedno se najde kdo, ki je alergičen na karkoli. Razpihovanje takih redkih dogodkov v povezavi s katerimkoli cepljenjem, je pa popolnoma deplasirano in samo omaja že tako krhko zaupanje.
  • Haha
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19. jul 2007
Zato je pomembno pravočasno, korektno, konsistentno obveščanje o dogajnju, preden Youtuberji pograbijo stvari. Tudi v zgoraj prilepljenem članku iz WashingtoPost-a je navedeno "Still, there were concerns that the “vaccine hesitant” and those opposed to vaccines in general could focus on the negative news, undermining efforts to combat the pandemic. "


10. feb 2008
Kako ugotoviti, da bo šlo cepljene OK?
Alergija. Na hrano, rekcija na cepljenje proti gripi, arašidovo maslo.
Tisti, ki so hudo reagirali. Kaj so bili posebni? Saj bi morala stroka v zrak skočit, da se ugotovi vrok in preprečijo podobne težave.
19. jul 2007
Grafični prikaz najnovejših podatkov o cepivih
19. jul 2007
Za boljši kontekst razumevanja stranskih efektov še rezultati Pfizerjeve študije, rezultati so za kontrolno (placebo) skupino, se pravo osebe, ki so dobile injekcijo s fiziološko raztopino.


18. avg 2007
Pomemben podatek. V kontrolni skupini(placebo), je bilo več smrti, kot pri cepivu :evil: