Cepivo 95-odstotno učinkovito
Matičičeva ja nejprej na veliko govorila o klicnem centru in težavah v njem, naposled pa spregovorila tudi o cepivu proti covidu-19. Kot je pojasnila, se je prvič v zgodovini zgodilo, da so države stopile skupaj in se lotile izdelave cepiva. Ideja genskega cepiva je, kot pravi fascinantna. “Tako cepivo ne sproža avtoimunskih, navzkrižnih reakcij protiteles. To cepivo ima tudi sterilizacijo imunost. To pomeni, da virusa tako ne moremo prenašati naprej,” je povedala in dodala, da je cepivo 95-odstotno učinkovito, za varnost pa skrbi evropska agencija za nadzor nad zdravili.
Court testimony reveals that Canada’s top health expert did not recommend a vaccine be a requirement before boarding a bus, train or plane. Even worse, the human trial for the Covid vaccine is now underway and millions of Canadians are part of the experiment.
It’s an astounding revelation, according to lawyer Keith Wilson, who is representing former Newfoundland Premier Brian Peckford’s lawsuit against the federal government for what they describe as the most far-reaching breach of charter rights in Canadian history. It prevented six million people’s right to freedom of movement because of a ban against unvaccinated people from travelling on buses, trains and planes.