Po poročanju francoske tiskovne agencije AFP bo to prvo tovrstno cepivo v EU-ju. Njegovo uporabo v Uniji mora odobriti še Evropska komisija.
Saj ne vedo več, kaj sploh prepisujejo.
2. september 2022EK je to že davno odobrila.
Komisija odobrila novi cepivi proti koronavirusu, pri nas ju lahko pričakujemo sredi septembra
Aha, v to temo si se skril, ko si prebegnil pred Ukrajinsko invazijo...Nova šprica je tu, a zanimanja ni.
Ste vsi postali anti-vaxxerji ?
EMA odobrila posodobljeno Pfizerjevo cepivo proti podrazličicama omikrona
//FDA na osmih, Ema testirala na šestih miših ?
Današnja novica:
//Novinarstvo 21 stoletja
2. september 2022
Ne, samo vsi, ki smo bili cepljeni, smo zaradi cepiva baje umrli na isti dan že ene dve leti nazaj, tako da ste itak ostali samo še anti-vaxxerji.Nova šprica je tu, a zanimanja ni.
Ste vsi postali anti-vaxxerji ?
Ooooo zarota... vse nas hočejo pobit, dela se genocid nad nami, še dobro da imamo nekaj "pametnih"Čarovnica je nazaj:
Beović: "Cepiva, prilagojena omikronu, so preizkušena le kot poživitveni odmerki"
Škoda, da se pameti ne da injektirati, nekateri ste živ dokaz da bi ji nujno potrebovali, in to več odmerkov.
Nova šprica je tu, a zanimanja ni.
Ste vsi postali anti-vaxxerji ?
EMA odobrila posodobljeno Pfizerjevo cepivo proti podrazličicama omikrona
//FDA na osmih, Ema testirala na šestih miših ?
Današnja novica:
//Novinarstvo 21 stoletja
2. september 2022
The Epoch Times reports that the CDC has “still not provided the results of the PRRs that were performed”, either to the Epoch Times or to Senator Johnson. The FDA, which has conducted “Empirical Bayesian data mining on Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System reports” also refused to provide any of the results to the Epoch Times.Dr. Rochelle Walensky, the [CDC’s] Director, said in a letter made public on September 12th that the CDC did not analyse certain types of adverse event reports at all in 2021, despite the agency previously saying it started in February 2021.
“CDC performed PRR analysis between March 25th 2022, through July 31st 2022,” Walensky said. “CDC also recently addressed a previous statement made to the Epoch Times to clarify PRR were not run between February 26th 2021 to September 30th 2021.”
Walensky’s agency had promised in several documents, starting in early 2021, to perform a type of analysis called Proportional Reporting Ratio (PRR) on reports submitted to the Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System, which it helps manage.
But the agency said in June that it did not perform PRRs. It also said that performing them was “outside th[e] agency’s purview”.
Confronted with the contradiction, Dr. John Su, a CDC official, told the Epoch Times in July that the agency started performing PRRs in February 2021 and “continues to do so to date.”
But just weeks later, the CDC said Su was wrong.
“CDC performed PRRs from March 25th 2022 through July 31st 2022,” a spokeswoman told the Epoch Times in August.
Walensky’s new letter, dated September 2nd and sent on September 6th to Sen. Ron Johnson (R-Wis.), shows that Walensky is aware that her agency gave false information. Walensky’s letter included no explanation of why that happened.
LoL, spet ta proudly powered by wordpress Karin. Se je zdaj že naučila tujih jezikov do te mere, da je sposobna razumevanja prebranega ali še vedno napačno prevaja ter na podlagi tega piše zgrešene povzetke, ki jih predstavlja kot gola dejstva?