Očitno sva na vsak na svojem planetu (in sploh nisva niti tako blizu, da bi se kdorkoli komu izmikal).
Trditev: S-protein ni celični toksin. To je dokazano v kliničnih preizkušanjih mRNA cepiv Pfizer in Moderna, ter kliničnih preizkušanj rekombinantnega S-proteinskega cepiva (NovaVax).
Sedaj pa konkretno izpodbijaj to trditev (nobene potrebe po sklicevanju na avtoritete ali pa da kdo kaj ne sme/noče videti) in po moji najboljši volji ti bom poskušal odgovoriti.
Še enkrat, če pa misliš na to, da je ključna razlika, da je S-protein iz cepiva, ter da je S-protein vezan na površino SARS-Cov-2, je pa povsem odveč operirati s "lahko", kar s konkretno besedo na plano.
Me veseli da pokažeš voljo. Bomo videli kako dolgo...
Najprej pa moram popraviti sebe; kaže da je res vseeno ali je spike pritrjen na večje telo ali pa sam plava. Zaenkrat in (relativno) kontraintuitivno. Se bom poglobil ob priliki, enkrat, mogoče, (ali pa tudi ne) ....
In še; veliko je študij, ki omenjajo spike kot nevaren vendar v povezavi s samim virusom - in se mi ob tem poraja vprašanje keteremu geniju se je zdela dobra ideja poustvariti enega bolj nevarnih delov tega stvora v človeškem telesu, ki je praktično lastnoročno odgovoren za pizdarije, ki jih stvor dela v telesu (razen seveda če je bilo to namerno, potem ima nek smisel, bolan sicer ampak je smisel...).
Jih je pa par (več kot tole kar bom dal semle, samo jih nisem spravljal na kup, jebat ga), ki obravavajo sam protein.
As researchers across the globe have focused their attention on understanding SARS-CoV-2, the picture that is emerging is that of a virus that has serious effects on the vasculature in multiple organ systems including the cerebral vasculature. ...
As researchers across the globe have focused their attention on understanding SARS-CoV-2, the picture that is emerging is that of a virus that has serious effects on the vasculature in multiple organ systems including the cerebral vasculature. Observed effects on the central nervous system include neurological symptoms (headache, nausea, dizziness), fatal microclot formation and in rare cases encephalitis. However, our understanding of how the virus causes these mild to severe neurological symptoms and how the cerebral vasculature is impacted remains unclear. Thus, the results presented in this report explored whether deleterious outcomes from the SARS-CoV-2 viral spike protein on primary human brain microvascular endothelial cells (hBMVECs) could be observed. The spike protein, which plays a key role in receptor recognition, is formed by the S1 subunit containing a receptor binding domain (RBD) and the S2 subunit. First, using postmortem brain tissue, we show that the angiotensin converting enzyme 2 or ACE2 (a known binding target for the SARS-CoV-2 spike protein), is ubiquitously expressed throughout various vessel calibers in the frontal cortex. Moreover, ACE2 expression was upregulated in cases of hypertension and dementia. ACE2 was also detectable in primary hBMVECs maintained under cell culture conditions. Analysis of cell viability revealed that neither the S1, S2 or a truncated form of the S1 containing only the RBD had minimal effects on hBMVEC viability within a 48 h exposure window. Introduction of spike proteins to invitro models of the blood-brain barrier (BBB) showed significant changes to barrier properties. Key to our findings is the demonstration that S1 promotes loss of barrier integrity in an advanced 3D microfluidic model of the human BBB, a platform that more closely resembles the physiological conditions at this CNS interface. Evidence provided suggests that the SARS-CoV-2 spike proteins trigger a pro-inflammatory response on brain endothelial cells that may contribute to an altered state of BBB function. Together, these results are the first to show the direct impact that the SARS-CoV-2 spike protein could have on brain endothelial cells; thereby offering a plausible explanation for the neurological consequences seen in COVID-19 patients.
Using a newly developed mouse model of acute lung injury, researchers found that exposure to the SARS-CoV-2 spike protein alone was enough to induce COVID-19-like symptoms including severe inflammation of the lungs.
"Our findings show that the SARS-CoV2 spike
protein causes
lung injury even without the presence of intact virus," said Pavel Solopov, Ph.D., DVM, research assistant professor at the Frank Reidy Research Center for Bioelectrics at Old Dominion University. "This previously unknown mechanism could cause symptoms before substantial viral replication occurs."
The researchers found that the genetically modified mice injected with the spike protein exhibited COVID-19-like symptoms that included severe inflammation, an influx of white blood cells into their lungs and evidence of a cytokine storm—an immune response in which the body starts to attack its own cells and tissues rather than just fighting off the virus. The mice that only received saline remained normal.
Bi se našlo te robe še, pa ni ravno tako hudo razširjena (ni zaželjena?), vsaj meni ni ravno na hitro dostopna.
Je pa tako; tako kot ti verjameš Ihanu, jaz verjamem komu drugemu. In če Malone (recimo) pove, da je bila zadeva sicer relativno dobro zastavljena - no, lahko bi za cilj izbrali kakšen manj nevaren del virusa - in da so v tehnologijo "cepiva" vključili transmembransko domeno (če sem prav razumel z namenom, da protein drži v/na gostiteljski celici), se je izkazalo da so preuranjeno odpirali šampanjec (recimo; namernost pa to....), ker so naredili premalo predkliničnih študij na živalih, ker se je pač .... mudilo?! Podobno razlagajo Sucahrid, pa Yeadon, pa Borsc.... (pozabil kako se piše nizozemec) pa še ene par je takih kalibrov... Aja, Malone sam pravi da je to toksin (biološko aktiven). Mojster je izumitelj tehnologije na kateri tememlji "cepivo". Samo povem...
Je pa res da to razlagajo na filmčkih. Sicer so tudi spisali že kar nekaj literature, ampak je zdajle ne grem iskat. Se pripravljam na RR in bom nekaj časa stran od računalnika. To pomeni da ne bom postavljal neprijetnih vprašanj. Najbrž ...
Edit: samo da povem/razčistim; iz mojega pisanja v sosenji temi je mogoče razbrati, da sem užaljen zaradi (manjka) izobrazbe. Nisem. Ker drži, da nisem izobražen v smeri virologije, višje biokemije in karješetacga in se definitivno ne morem pogovarjat al je boljše da je S protein zavit v levo, desno al pa kar tako. Niti ne želim. Me je pa strah, ker s svojim pomanjkljivim znanjem vidim toliko lukenj v celi zgodbi, da se vprašam kaj delajo mojstri. In zakaj jim potem ni jasno zakaj jim ljudje ne zaupajo....