Burger king Slovenija


mesija - Assassin's Creep
8. jul 2010
blizu močvirne prestolnice
Kaj tebi ni jasno? Sam se pogovarjam z Narodnjakom, bom nehal z avtomobili toda tudi ta tema ne spada sem, temveč drugam. Res pa ne vem kaj imate toliko za povedati o neki nekvalitetni hrani?


Marco Polo
6. sep 2007
Kam pa spada po tvoje, če ne v čvek?
In dokler debata teče v okvirih hrane in pijače je vse O.K., ker se drži osnovne niti.

Avtomobili pa se mi zdi, da ne pašejo v kontekst te debate, zato se z Narodnjakom kje drugje pogovarjaj o usnju, karavanih in opremi!


mesija - Assassin's Creep
8. jul 2010
blizu močvirne prestolnice
Med gurmanske mojstrovine? Sicer sem že rekel da se ne bom več pogovarjal o avtih.

softi, najprej pri sebi pospravi, potem se šele začni vtikati v druge.


3. avg 2007
Obišči stran
Uporabnik CupraR pravi:

Kaj BK XXL ni pri nas? Ma sterajo naj se
grem ob priliki probat (čez kakšen mesec), v Avstriji in Nemčiji mi je bolje kot MC. (a je tudi kr precej dražje)

majo, sem ga jedel v petek


18. avg 2007

Burger King customers are queuing for whoppers with SIX layers of meat dished up by staff in secret. The monster treats packed with 2,460 calories more than an average mans recommended food for an entire DAY are not on the menu. But a craze for ordering double triple burgers is growing and some servers are happy to satisfy the demand. Takeaway fans use the internet to spread the word about which Burger King branches sell the specials usually prepared near closing time by cramming leftover meat between two buns. The burgers bulge with 162 grams of fat almost DOUBLE the recommended average daily intake and the equivalent of THIRTEEN AND A HALF Mars bars. The barmy burger craze started in America, where students post videos on YouTube showing them trying to finish the massive meals. The People paid £6.19 for one of the monster burgers at a Burger King at Charing Cross rail station in central London last week. Its six meat patties were topped with cheese, mayo, a rasher of bacon, sliced onion and gherkins. Commuter Neil Bayliss, a 28-year-old IT worker, who saw the burger we bought, said: There's no way in a million years I'd eat that. It looks absolutely disgusting. Mind you I might think differently if I'd had a few pints. Fellow customer Sharon Donohoe, 41, added: It really is a whopper. I definitely couldn't finish a whole one. Bosses at Burger King whose slogan is Have It Your Way are likely to give staff a grilling for selling the oversize snack. The chain has admitted its UK sales have been hit by health concerns. Rivals McDonalds introduced a lighter menu in a bid to snare customers put off by obesity fears. Burger Kings 512 British branches are run as franchises. Individual managers are warned to protect the brand by following strict rules on how products are served. A company source said: The sale of these sort of burgers does go on but it certainly isn't encouraged.


20. avg 2007
Uporabnik Hoci pravi:

Burger King customers are queuing for whoppers with SIX layers of meat dished up by staff in secret. The monster treats packed with 2,460 calories more than an average mans recommended food for an entire DAY are not on the menu. But a craze for ordering double triple burgers is growing and some servers are happy to satisfy the demand. Takeaway fans use the internet to spread the word about which Burger King branches sell the specials usually prepared near closing time by cramming leftover meat between two buns. The burgers bulge with 162 grams of fat almost DOUBLE the recommended average daily intake and the equivalent of THIRTEEN AND A HALF Mars bars. The barmy burger craze started in America, where students post videos on YouTube showing them trying to finish the massive meals. The People paid £6.19 for one of the monster burgers at a Burger King at Charing Cross rail station in central London last week. Its six meat patties were topped with cheese, mayo, a rasher of bacon, sliced onion and gherkins. Commuter Neil Bayliss, a 28-year-old IT worker, who saw the burger we bought, said: There's no way in a million years I'd eat that. It looks absolutely disgusting. Mind you I might think differently if I'd had a few pints. Fellow customer Sharon Donohoe, 41, added: It really is a whopper. I definitely couldn't finish a whole one. Bosses at Burger King whose slogan is Have It Your Way are likely to give staff a grilling for selling the oversize snack. The chain has admitted its UK sales have been hit by health concerns. Rivals McDonalds introduced a lighter menu in a bid to snare customers put off by obesity fears. Burger Kings 512 British branches are run as franchises. Individual managers are warned to protect the brand by following strict rules on how products are served. A company source said: The sale of these sort of burgers does go on but it certainly isn't encouraged.

To je ta sixpacker? Hvala lepa


Marco Polo
6. sep 2007
Ne vem pa zakaj reklamirajo tega 6packerja "Nur bei uns", če pa ima vsak BK postavko v ceniku "dodatna pleskavica", pri nas - 0,50€.
Po tem sistemu si lahko narediš "n-packerja"