Uporabnik turbobitch pravi:
Nism nikol reku da se jih ne sme kontrolirat. Kje to?
Potem pa ne vem zakaj delaš problem iz tega, če se strinjaš z mano?
Uporabnik turbobitch pravi:
Nism nikol reku da se jih ne sme kontrolirat. Kje to?
Uporabnik eazy pravi:
Vecino napadov so do sedaj izvedli "lokalci"... Napadalci iz NY (ce verjames v zgodbo o 9-11?) so imali povsem legalne dokumente in cisto legalno preckali nesteto mej. Kapna karkoli? Borci "IS" imajo oziroma so imeli dokumente svojih maticnih drzav in ne potrebujejo migrantskih kolon da pridejo do EU.
Uporabnik telex pravi:
A če obveščevalne službe ne delajo dobro potem pa je pobijanje civilistov hvalevredno deloCitat:
Uporabnik SJTV1 pravi:
Še en uspeh očitno vrhunskih belgijskih obveščevalnih služb ...
Kar misli si. Te stvari so organizirane, planirane vnaprej in dobro organizirane. Razni Breiviki so pa redke izjeme. In te organizirance se da poloviti, če veš, kaj delaš. Belgijci očitno niso (pa ne le tokrat, že prej, pred Parizom, recimo).Citat:
Uporabnik ceedevita pravi:
ne razumete
vsem se možgane pere
ampak samo enim se vtrga pa se v luft vržejo potem
eni ne. škoda da se ne vsi
kako sedaj ugotoviti katerih 50 000 se bo v luft vrgli in katerih ne ? in kdaj in kje se bo budalo razstrelilo ?
to so individualci, ki tega ne objavljajo na FB ..
navodila za eksploziv narediti dobiš na netu. pravzaprav ga lahko tudi kupiš , enako kot vso orožje
da vas sedaj čujem, kako bi to preprečili
Uporabnik ceedevita pravi:
res si naiven
vse se da nabaviti anonimno preko neta. vse šifrirano, plača se z bitcoini, dostava kamor želiš. brez sledi
zato je teroristični napad težko preprečiti. ko se 1x zgodi, je lažje poiskati celo verigo, ker veš kje začet. drugače pa lahko gledajo tebe, mene, boruta, vladeka.....
U.S. counterterrorism officials are frustrated and angry at Belgium’s inability to tackle ISIS terror cells that are successfully plotting murderous attacks on the West from inside the country’s tiny capital city.
A senior U.S. intelligence officer likened the Belgian security forces to “children.”
“It’s really shitty tradecraft,” the agent told The Daily Beast.
News of today’s attack was met in some parts of Washington with resigned frustration.
“There was only so much we could do to help,” one official explained to the Daily Beast.
“Belgium has been stepping up the amount of people they’re devoting to intelligence and law enforcement but they’re playing catch up and we’re seeing the terrible results of that today”
Indeed, an official said there were warnings as recent as this weekend.
A frustrated U.S. intelligence official bemoaned the state of the counterterrorism apparatus in Belgium and across Europe.
“Even with the EU in general, there’s an infiltration of jihadists that’s been happening for two decades. And now they’re just starting to work on this. When we have to contact these people or send our guys over to talk to them, we’re essentially talking with people who are—I’m just going to put it bluntly—children. These are not pro-active, they’re don’t know what’s going on. They’re in such denial. It’s such a frightening thing to admit their country is being taken over.”
“Jihadists think that Europe is the soft underbelly of the West and Belgium is the soft underbelly of the Europe,” said French terror expert Gilles Kepel.
Brisard calculates that 534 Belgians have gone to Syria and about 200 have returned; he believes the French-Belgian ISIS apparatus is much greater than European security officials initially thought.
Tracking the individuals is a mammoth task.
“For now, the networks comprise basically 20 individuals around the 10 [Paris] terrorists,” he said. “So it’s least 30. It’s still looking like four or five connected but there might be more that we don’t know yet.” For every terror suspect being surveilled it takes between 20 and 25 counterterrorism officials to track him. Coulibaly, for example, was using 20 different phones, according to Brisard, and each required a different officer to monitor the incoming and outgoing calls. // Okej, saj jim lahko cucki pomagajo, dovolimo
The Belgians are unwilling or unable to commit that kind of manpower as one of the country’s counterterrorism officials told BuzzFeed a week before the attack.
The problem is exacerbated in Brussels because the local police force is divided into six police corps spread over 19 boroughs (particularly odd since the population is only 1.3 million). Sharing intelligence is complicated by the silos.
Uporabnik eazy pravi:
ZDA pridigajo EU glede IS, teroristov&terorizma. Fakin priceless. Tole je ze material za crno komedijo...
Uporabnik Pac_Man pravi:
Treba priznat, od 11. septembra niso imeli nobenega napada s strani organizirane celice. Par solistov.
Uporabnik karamarko pravi:
Arabski svet je večina v razsulu zaradi Zahoda. Kaj ste pa mislili, da se bo zgodilo? Če čisto trezno in objektivno razmislite. Če lahko.
Kaj so delali partizani l. 194x? Šli ena-na-ena z mogočnimi Nemci? Ne. Skrival so se in izvajal "teroristične" akcije proti Nemcem (iz njihovega vidika). Iz našega vidika so bili heroji.
Uporabnik Kamele0N pravi:
Kaj bi pa ti širil? Demokratični socializem?