Tudi v Avstraliji so "zadovoljni" z njimi:
Kot tudi v Veliki Britaniji in ZDA:
The Problems With Somali Immigrants: Asylum Fraud, Juvenile Crime, Honor Crimes, Illegal Money Transfers and Islamism
These people are, in many cases, so emotionally and mentally damaged they may never fit into Australian society.
"As a result they can be extremely vicious. If a white kid gets into a fight at school with an African kid, we have to call the parents of the white kid to pick him after school or there will be a gang of Africans waiting outside the school to beat the crap out of him."
Kot tudi v Veliki Britaniji in ZDA:
The Problems With Somali Immigrants: Asylum Fraud, Juvenile Crime, Honor Crimes, Illegal Money Transfers and Islamism
Since the early 1990s Britain has seen a rapid influx of Somali immigrants. There are now about 250,000 Somalis in the United Kingdom. Most of them entered the country as asylum seekers. The so-called "gangsta-rap culture" is highly popular among Somali boys, often young macho criminals. Somali and other African crime gangs have terrified local communities. In Toxteth, Liverpool, for example, a hard core of about 30 Somali youths are active in car crime and drug dealing. 3