Covid-19 Zakaj se ne cepiti?


6. dec 2011
No dej, cepiva proti steklni ni treba mešat sem. Za cepivo proti steklini se ve da ima OGROMNO stranskih učinkov, zato se izvaja cepljenje samo ob izrednih primerih. Tu gre za klasično pretehtanje kaj je manjše zlo, v konkretnem primeru bi namreč razvoj stekline pomenil skoraj gotovo smrt (ki ni lepa) in cepljenje je tu učinkovito, zna pa pustit večje in tudi dolgotrajne posledice.
tudi cepiva proti covidu se prodajajo pod živinozdravniškim sloganom "koristi so večje od tveganja".
Sicer pa - radijska poročila, 2-3 dni nazaj spet poročajo o umrlih "s" covidom, ne "zaradi" covida. A ni bilo že tam nekje v prvi polovici februarja dovoljeno poročati o umrlih zaradi covida ? Jih je prehitro zmanjkalo da je spet treba uporabljati s covidom da ima oziroma da bo imelo jeseni "strah nas je , bojimo se, bojimo se, strah nas je" sploh neko podlago ? Da se v možganih ljudi stalno vzdržuje povezava "covid smrt covid smrt covid smrt" ? Je pa sramota za novinarje da nekritično podajajo v javnost vse kar jim vladni pisuni porinejo pod nos. Novinarske konference na temo covid pa spominjajo na novinarsko konferenco ko je bil predsednik Jugoslavije Lazar Koliševski: v vlogi novinarjev, ki so postavljali vnaprej dogovorjena vprašanja, so bili kar direktorji republiških RTV-centrov, Koliševski pa je odgovore bral z listka.
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2. mar 2010

Court in France ruled death from COVID-vaccine suicide​

Doctors admitted that the man’s death was the result of vaccination. After that, the insurance company refused to pay the family money, because the insurance policy excludes the use of experimental drugs and treatments, including vaccination against coronavirus.

The family sued the insurance company, but lost. The judge ruled that the side effects of the experimental vaccine were made public and the deceased could not claim to be unaware of them when he voluntarily took the vaccine. The court also stressed that in France there is no law that forced him to be vaccinated.

“Therefore, his death, in fact, is a suicide,” the court ruled.

The insurance company noted that suicide, like death from an experimental drug, is not an insured event.
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  • Wow
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16. sep 2007

Court in France ruled death from COVID-vaccine suicide​

Doctors admitted that the man’s death was the result of vaccination. After that, the insurance company refused to pay the family money, because the insurance policy excludes the use of experimental drugs and treatments, including vaccination against coronavirus.

The family sued the insurance company, but lost. The judge ruled that the side effects of the experimental vaccine were made public and the deceased could not claim to be unaware of them when he voluntarily took the vaccine. The court also stressed that in France there is no law that forced him to be vaccinated.

“Therefore, his death, in fact, is a suicide,” the court ruled.

The insurance company noted that suicide, like death from an experimental drug, is not an insured event.
Je temu za verjet?


13. avg 2007
na temni strani lune
Krepko se je povečalo število smrti. Gledano statistično. Razlog?

Smrti so se krepko povečale tudi v starostnih skupinah kjer smrti zaradi kovida skorajda ni bilo.

Če omejiš dostop do zdravstva oz določene programe praktično ugasneš, kaj misliš da se bo zgodilo? 10% manj hospitalizacij in 20% manj obravnav je nekje poznati. Če vzamemo v zakup še to, da je določen % obravnav in hospitalizacij vezan na kovid, so "normalni" programi delali s cca 20% manj hospitalizacij in 30% manj obravnav. Čudno da so šle smrti v nebo....... NOT


3. sep 2007
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samo v nekaterih forumih to odstranijo:
Ampak linki kažejo na tekst, kjer med drugim piše
" Unfortunately, no sources or court documents are given, which is why the authenticity of the report cannot be verified at the moment. However, the editors were Letter from an Austrian insurance company leaked, which relates to this specific case."

Drugače pa so nemško govoreči: Citizens Foundation Hamburg
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Reactions: jonny77


Osebje foruma
18. sep 2007

When Sudhir Chaudhary, Editor In Chief of WION, asked about the reasons, Mandaviya said that Moderna and Pfizer had placed a condition before the Indian government that it would only their vaccines if an indemnity clause is signed.

It means that if there is any side effect or if someone dies after taking the vaccine, then the company will not be held accountable and prosecuted under Indian law.


6. dec 2011
maksimalno je treba poudarjati in v vsakem drugem stavku napisati da gre za 2020 2020 2020 2020 da ne bi kdo postavljal kakšnih vprašanj o vplivu cepiv ko bodo objavljeni še slabši rezultati za 2021