Izrael:ferdo kaj je point tega grafa? Saj lahko prilimamo graf iz izraela/islandije, kjer je podoben graf, le da je tam oranžna = cepljeni in zelena=necepljeni.
Pa imajo dnevno 5x več okužb, kot pri nas (konkretno izrael včeraj).
Do fully vaccinated people get severe COVID-19 symptoms?
So who are these fully vaccinated patients who are being hospitalized? Here’s what Reuters found when speaking with 11 doctors in the country:
- They received two doses of the Pfizer vaccine five months ago.
- They are older than 60 years old.
- They have chronic illnesses, including diabetes, heart disease, lung ailments, cancer and inflammatory diseases.
Israeli doctors find severe COVID-19 breakthrough cases mostly in older, sicker patients
In Israel's COVID-19 wards, doctors are learning which vaccinated patients are most vulnerable to severe illness, amid growing concerns about instances in which the shots provide less protection against the worst forms of the disease. The majority of these patients received two vaccine doses at...

This group is suffering from severe COVID-19 breakthrough cases more than any other
These fully vaccinated people are suffering from severe illness when they get COVID-19.

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