Ženska razlaga, kar ženske nočejo slišati
0:56 63% starih med 20 in 30 je samskih
preskočite odo7 minute naprej (samoocena)
9:10 cost/risk benefit je preprosto preslab -> (zda podatki) 70% vseh ločitev sprožijo ženske
Her: "Hey honey, want to buy me a drink?"
Him: (glances at her) "I can't afford you."
Her: (offended) "I'm not a prostitute."
Him: "Oh, then I definitely can't afford you."
preskočite odo7 minute naprej (samoocena)
9:10 cost/risk benefit je preprosto preslab -> (zda podatki) 70% vseh ločitev sprožijo ženske
Her: "Hey honey, want to buy me a drink?"
Him: (glances at her) "I can't afford you."
Her: (offended) "I'm not a prostitute."
Him: "Oh, then I definitely can't afford you."