Pa ravno Grki/Grkinje so taki...A misliš, sa so blond kot Skandinavci?Glede na to da je grškega rodu, verjetno ni bila črna z kodrastimi lasmi.
Pa ravno Grki/Grkinje so taki...A misliš, sa so blond kot Skandinavci?Glede na to da je grškega rodu, verjetno ni bila črna z kodrastimi lasmi.
Cleopatra VII Philopator (Greek: Κλεοπάτρα Φιλοπάτωρ; 69 BC – 10 August 30 BC), often referred to simply as Cleopatra, was Queen of the Ptolemaic Kingdom of Egypt, and its last active ruler. A member of the Ptolemaic dynasty, she was a descendant of its founder Ptolemy I Soter, a Macedonian Greek general and companion of Alexander the Great. After the death of Cleopatra, Egypt became a province of the Roman Empire, marking the end of the second to last Hellenistic state and the age that had lasted since the reign of Alexander (336–323 BC). Her native language was Koine Greek, and she was the only Ptolemaic ruler to learn the Egyptian language.
Črne kože seveda ne (moja napaka), črne lase pa brez problema. Kake lase pa imajo Grkinje? Temno rjave ali črne...Vadim je (imho) mislil, da kot Grkinja verjetno (beri: definitivno) ni imela črne barve kože in ne, da ni imela črne barve las.
Sicer pa so se med drugim o tem razpisali tudi sami Grki:
Queen Cleopatra: Netflix Adds The Greek Queen Of Egypt To List Of “blackwashed” Historical Figures
Netflix has controversially added the Greek Queen of Egypt, Cleopatra, to its list of "blackwashed" historical figures and has thus received much criticism for its
Fletcher describes the painting further on page 87:Painted image from a villa at Herculaneum portraying a red-haired woman whose facial features, royal diadem and hairstyle adorned with fine pearl-studded hairpins suggest a posthumous portrait of Cleopatra VII.
Cleopatra's hair was maintained by her highly skilled hairdresser Eiras. Although rather artificial looking wigs set in the traditional tripartite style of long straight hair would have been required for her appearances before her Egyptian subjects, a more practical option for general day-to-day wear was the no-nonsense 'melon hairdo' in which her natural hair was drawn back in sections resembling the lines on a melon and then pinned up in a bun at the back of the head. A trademark style of Arsinoe II and Berenike II, the style had fallen from fashion for almost two centuries until revived by Cleopatra; yet as both traditionalist and innovator, she wore her version without her predecessor's fine head veil. And whereas they had both been blonde like Alexander, Cleopatra may well have been a redhead, judging from the portrait of a flame-haired woman wearing the royal diadem surrounded by Egyptian motifs which has been identified as Cleopatra.
Parkrat na leto sem v Egiptu... službeno.Temnopolti vsekakor niso. Še Egipčani so imeli temne Nubijce za sužnje.
Operirati z takšnimi besedami mi je tuje, pa ne glede kateri medi je tvoj, ali moj ali ti misliš da je moj. Bonton ni ne lev ne desen je univerzalen in tega ti manjka.Samo idioti verjamete vsaki pravljici, ki jo objavi "vaš" medij.![]()
Govoril sem o letih pred KristusomParkrat na leto sem v Egiptu... službeno.
Nubija je bila izvor zlata za Egipt.
Imaš bele in totalno črne - vsi so Egipčani. V Kairu je že mešanica vseh, bolj greš južno, temnejši so...
Nubijske vasi (črni) so sestavni del Asuana. Tam živijo že... let...
In ko se sprehajaš po Asuanu težko vidiš belega Egipčana...
Aha, OK, spet en...Govoril sem o letih pred Kristusom
Ja, tako je danes. Ampak današnja situacija je verjetno "malce" drugačna od tistee izpred par tisoč letParkrat na leto sem v Egiptu... službeno.
Nubija je bila izvor zlata za Egipt.
Imaš bele in totalno črne - vsi so Egipčani. V Kairu je že mešanica vseh, bolj greš južno, temnejši so...
Nubijske vasi (črni) so sestavni del Asuana. Tam živijo že... let...
In ko se sprehajaš po Asuanu težko vidiš belega Egipčana...
Kaj en? Zgodovinsko gledano so bili sužnji.Aha, OK, spet en...
Niso bili... OK, nekateri ja, ampak, zakaj so Nubijjci bili telesni stražarji faraonov (visoki, močni, 2 kipa v muzeju...)Kaj en? Zgodovinsko gledano so bili sužnji.
Ja, tako je danes. Ampak današnja situacija je verjetno "malce" drugačna od tistee izpred par tisoč let
In ja, črnci so bili tudi že takrat prisotni ampak kot sužnji: